Category "react-native-paper"

Center React Native Paper Modal

I might be missing something small here but I can't seem to get my <Modal> component to center in my React Native app. Here is the code for the modal: ...

React Native: Change text colour in Paper Button

I am relatively new in react native. I can easily show button (with shadow, etc) as in here. <Button mode="contained" color={'#f08e25'} contentStyl

React native web storybook react-native-vector-icons problem icon

I'm developing a react native component on storybook, which uses react-native-paper and react-native-vector-icons. The problem is that I can't see the icons, I

Customize TextInput Label of the react-native-paper in the case of React Native Web

I'm working with the React Native Web and React Native Paper library with Styled Components. Basically I would like to customize the TextInput inner components:

Margin and React Native Paper is not working

I am trying to move the "three-dot" menu to the right side. So I put a {marginLeft: auto} for it. But, it's not moving to the right. What is the problem? Also,

Change border line colors when unfocused (react-native-paper)

I have a textinput that changes color if the conditions are met or not (green to brown and vice versa) when it is focused. I would like the colors to stay the s