Category "react-native-video"

Could not find com.yqritc:android-scalablevideoview:1.0.4 react-native-video in Android

I want to use react-native-video in my project. After installing this package I got this error every time (Only in android). I have added all the additional cod

react-native-track-player crashing due to exo player version conflict in track-player and react-native-video

So I am using react-native-video and react-native-track-player parallelly, Normally both are working fine, but to use some extra functionalities of video playe

How to use an absolute path for a local video on the device when using react-native-video?

I'm developing an App that should automatically play a video stored on a specific path of the device (currently, i'm trying to access the DCIM folder) without

Play youtube video in react-native-video

How can i play youtube video on react-native-video, i don't want to play video in react-native-youtube or in webview,

Why is my onLoad event for a RN video component not firing?

I'm trying to display an Alert message when the video is done loading, but this event doesn't seem to be firing; I've seen that other people have had similar is

React-Native-Video disables TouchableOpacity in Android

I am working on a react native app which involves a video player (react-native-video), and some simple controls I set up myself. on iOS this works fine, but on

React Native Teleport components without loosing state

I am using React Native 0.62 with react-native-video. I need to add a video player with full screen option. The requirements specifically needs custom controls