Category "react-native"

My Expo App Throws JavascriptException when download from Google Play Store

When I test the app with apk on my android phone it works fine but when I build .aab and submit it to Play Store and download it, It crashes after splash screen

What does mean "export default {}" without name

I found react native module with code like this: export default { activateWithApiKey(apiKey: string) { AppMetrica.activateWithApiKey(apiKey); }

onChange on TextInput Not Working Inside Formik

Generally <TextInput> allows you to type even when you're just specifying a placeholder. However, when using within the Formik form, I am unable to type a

How to run react native on WSL with android emulator on Windows

I have a react native expo project on WSL2 and I need to run it on an android emulator on Windows, and I am also willing to run the project using yarn start. Ho

How to change the background color of the bars in a barchart using react-native-chart-kit

I am using react-native-chart-kit and I am trying to have a cbar chart with any color filling up the bars, as of now it is gray but I am trying to change it bu

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'theme.spacing[radius]')

I am using react native elements library to build a UI. I am trying to create a button with an icon. I initially just copied this code from the website without

React Native text string must be rendered within a text

Hello the react native code below takes care of displaying a ui, when I run the code I get the following error? come I solve this? The text it indicates is alre

React Native notification image doesn't showing on IOS

I have currently a problem to display image in notification (with an url). The problem is only on iOS, it works on Android. I'm using React Native Firebase : It

Setting Apollo client header dynamically is not working

I am trying to set the header of Apollo client dynamically according to official doc, but I am getting an error: TypeError: (0 , _apollo.default) is not a

Can I measure my users' internet speed in my react web app?

I built a small react web app and I'm noticing that some users are dropping off constantly. I know that appears to measure web speed by having the cli

How to refresh JWT token using Apollo and GraphQL

So we're creating a React-Native app using Apollo and GraphQL. I'm using JWT based authentication(when user logs in both an activeToken and refreshToken is crea

Redirect to another screen after login. (React Native)

So I edited this with just one file; everything is there but I still can't seem to make it work. Directory Structure: LoginScreen.js import { StackNavigator,

RNTMap was not found in the UIManager

I am following along the official documentation, copy and pasting the code provided there:

Application Breaks when adding custom component as import

I am having an issue where I have created two components "TaskInputField.js" and "TaskItem.js" and when I import them into the file I want to use them in, the b

request formData to API, gets “Network Error” in axios while uploading image

I am making a POST request to server to upload an image and sending formdata using axios in react-native. i am getting "Network Error". i also try fetch but n

Is there a way to test markers on MapView using DETOX in a react-native app?

I have a react native app that includes MapView component where we are rendering the markers. Using detox, I want to test the visibility of those markers and al

React native TypeError: Network request failed with fetch()

I'm using React native for developing an android application. With this fetch request I'm getting the error TypeError: network request failed: fetch('https://p

Expo av playbackObject's onPlaybackStatusUpdate is called only on play/stop instead of interval by progressUpdateIntervalMillis

onPlaybackStatusUpdate should return the output after every 100ms but only returns on play or stop. am I missing something in my code. (I am new to Expo and Exp

Refresh Screen A when goBack with React Native using Hooks

I have a simple doubt that I can hope somebody can help me with. I have a simple app that hava a main screen where loads all data that I get from a SQLite datab

Close button round icon for Android and iOS using React Native

I am trying to create a close button with clickable action. here, I need to design round close button icon and place it top of right corner in the view. How to