Category "react-native"

How to disable emojis button in react native keyboard?

I need to disable emojis for my react native keyboard app. When my keyboard appear, the emoji icon is visible and i need to make it unavailable to prevent user

Detect Swipe direction using React Native Gesture Handler and Reanimated

We have already developed a swiper using React Native PanResponder, (before somebody comment) - we cannot use any other swiper library here. In the swiper we de

Why is my react-native app terminating in the background while recording (iOS, RN 0.63.3, Expo-Av 9.2.3)

Hello I'm having an issue in my React Native app where audio recordings are sometimes mysteriously terminated while the app is in the background. This happens o

How to have a searchbar in "Select" Component native-base

I would love to have a search bar in "Select" component from the library native-base in react-native. I have tried adding a "TextInput" component inside the "Se

react-query how to call mutate from custom useMutation hook in Jest test

I'm running a React Native project where I'm testing custom hooks written with react-query. I'm using Jest, @testing-library/react-hooks and @testing-library/re

Create a static library with React dependency

I created a library that uses the native navigation controller to navigate through react and native screens. The library is written in Swift and contains some o

Could not find method compile() for arguments []

Trying to build a react native project, and cannot compile appcompat Could not find method compile() for arguments []

React Native Firestore getting data problem

When I try to access the data from a Firestore collection called 'Targets' it returns: {"_U": 0, "_V": 0, "_W": null, "_X": null} my firestore item is: item pho

Flood Fill Image in React Native (Paint Bucket Tool, Coloring an Image)

Is there a library or something for react native that can manipulate images? I am searching for something which I can use for a flood fill on image in react nat

Errors when running command "npx react-native run-android"

C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\react-native-cli>cd AwesomeProject C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\react-native-cli\AwesomeProject>npx react-native run-android info Runni

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNativeImagePicker.default.showImagePicker')

Using React Image Picker i am facing this error: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNativeImagePicker.default.showImagePicker') This is wh

How to set document title by React Native Web with react-navigation?

My web application is created by React Native Web with react-navigator. react-navigator sets RouteName as document.title in default. ex. <Stack.Navigator scr

.globals is not a valid Plugin property

I want to integrate the QR code scanner feature in my react-native-based applications. so I am installing the react-native-vision-camera package. According to d

Metro has encountered an error: While trying to resolve module '@react-native/normalize-color'

I just wanted to try react-native.However, after run the script "npm run ios",I got this error in the Xcode's simulator. react-native version: v0.66.0, platfor

Using React-Hook Form, How do I post data to my MongoDB in React Native

I am facing an issue where Im trying to post data to my mongoDB from the frontend using React Hooks on React Native. The problem is that Im struggling to get th

React native elements with Stylesheet.create

I am trying to use react-native-elements with my React-Native app. I have a central js file with theme details which are being injected using ThemeProvider as e

react-native run-ios build is extremely slow

I ran the react-native run-ios command to build my react-native app and it doesn't seem to be building(waited 20 mins). I have not encountered this issue on the

APNS device token not set before retrieving FCM Token for Sender ID - React Native Firebase

I have been following this tutorial to set-up Remote Push notifications on my react-native application using react-native-firebase Version 5.2.0. After I config

How to check support of Touch ID, Face Id ,Password and pattern lock in React-Native

I have implemented a react-native-fingerprint-scanner, it's working for Touch Id. Now I wanted to add authentication for Touch ID, Face Id, Passcode for both p

Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid with React Native Picker

Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined.