I am developing React Native App using Expo (not ejected) and Android Studio official AVD. I am on Windows. There is shortcut CTRL-M what opens Expo's (React
I have a project that requires google sign in and I have installed and followed the instruction on the firebase but I keep getting this error (0, _auth.signInW
I get my current pos=sition from Geolocation.getcurrentposition, i have my coordinates now, can i get details against this coordinates without any payment
When I click discountKeyboard,it reported a mistake: Warning: Functions are not valid as a React child. This may happen if you return a Component instead of f
I'm using SafeAreaView from React Native 0.50.1 and it's working pretty good except for the one part. I assigned the orange background color to the SafrAreaVie
I'm trying to figure out with images in React Native <Image source={require('./assets/favicon.png')} /> and Network Images according Docs Static Image R
I developed react native application with rnfirebase and notifee for sending the push notification. foreground is working properly, message is displayed only on
In order to avoid '../../../../' style relative imports in a TypeScript based React Native app, I would like to configure the app so that I can use absolute imp
I have a parent PanResponder with a child TouchableOpacity. What happens is that the TouchableOpacity doesn't respond to clicks because the PanResponder takes t
I'm having an issue when using the bottom tabs, on the iOS emulator I see BorderTop but When I open the application on iOS Device It not appears. Did anyone had
Is it possible to serve an html file from within the node_modules folder? I know how to serve from the assets folder, something like: <WebView ... sourc
I tried to run npx detox build but it gives this logs in the image and i want to know how to determine the problem to fix it see terminal logs
when I use the WebView on expo with an external uri which I’m not the owner (I’m doing an SSO Auth page that uses cookies), if I open on iOS everyth
I have used react-native video for playing audio files, it is working fine on android , but on ios it is not able to fire onLoad and onProgress functions which
The below code always return the below wired object {"_U": 0, "_V": 0, "_W": null, "_X": null} as response. Here is my code getData = () => { f
This is my code to cache all the images in my local folder. I'm prefetching all the images and after that resolving the promise. But this always results in "Fa
This is my code to cache all the images in my local folder. I'm prefetching all the images and after that resolving the promise. But this always results in "Fa
I am using react-native-modal. I am using modal's overlay, and the button which opens up modal, changes to cross button, but it stays behind the overlay of moda
Given: const textToFind = 'Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, ' const paragraph = 'Lorem Ipsum has been the
I'm using React Native Expo. Currently i'm trying to make an application which uses a barcodescanner for scanning QR-code objects. I've implemented a turn camer