I am trying to run a react native project but I see an error saying "Starting a Gradle Daemon, 14 busy and 1 incompatible and 2 stopped Daemons could not be reu
Android phones that have a navigation bar like that from the iPhone, have the default background color as white, which looks really off if my screen's backgroun
The swiper index value comes out in order of page order. However, when the button is pressed, the index value goes up to infinity. ex) next button click-> 6
I have a React Native application and I'm seeking to add functionality that checks if there is an active internet connection when the app first starts up, and c
Having a navigation type definition as bellow, when I navigate from e.g AOne to BTwo with id:99 the console log of props.route.params shows correct info. But p
I am developing a RN app in Expo with firebase as backend. So far, the app only uses firebase auth and firestore and for whatever reason, I randomly started get
I followed the instructions for debugging in VSCode as per https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-react-native I attached my Nexus 6P with USB cable with my MBP2
I got a problem with my react native app. while accessing API, I get a response Skipped and status code 0. it's shown by using reactotron to log the api respons
The bundle size produced by expo build:web is huge at average 3mb. I completed steps at https://docs.expo.io/guides/web-performance/. My app has no images so no
I am trying to use WebView in the react native boilerplate (template: typescript). I am using WebView from react-native-webview library. /** * Sample React
Working with the following react native packages in android: "react-native": "0.47.2" "react-native-document-picker": "2.0.0" (removing the ovveride to compile
App I want to make I would like to make audio recognition mobile app like Shazam with Expo Expo AV(https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/audio) Tensorflow se
I have a react-native app, I'm trying to test my app on ios&android ( testflight and playstore), app was build using eas build, but app crashes suddenly on
I am trying to upload an image with react native front end and axios to my back end. This is how pic the image const pickImage = async () => { let result
I've upgraded to React Native 0.66. I can open the developer menu but its seems the now flipper is the default choice. I got only "Open Debugger" - which open F
It's usual that react-native cannot find android SDK. My problem is different... Android ✓ JDK ✖ Android Studio - Required for building and inst
It is my first attempt to use the flipper debugger but it doesn't seem to be starting. It threw error Failed to start flipper-server Error: Unable to start ser
When I try npm install new packages it shows me this error: rollbackFailedOptional: verb npm-session 585aaecfe5f9a82 node --version 8.4.0 npm --version 5
I have built an android app using react native. Inside the app I am using the react-native-webview package to show a React app. import {WebView} from 'react-nat
When the pipeline finishes building react-native ios app. It creates an artifact IPA file. Usually, it works fine but for several times we get 'app_install_erro