Category "react-navigation-stack"

Why Navigation.goBack() not working properly?

I am using following way to create navigation system StackNavigator -> DrawerNavigator -> (Screen A, Screen B, Screen C) Screen A is initial Route Scre

Type error in getting route params within nested navigator using Typescript [react-navigation v6]

Having a navigation type definition as bellow, when I navigate from e.g AOne to BTwo with id:99 the console log of props.route.params shows correct info. But p

React Navigation: Is there a way to add another instance of a screen on top of an existing instance of that screen in StackNavigator?

In my React Native app, I have a stack navigator with screens A, B, and C. Screen A displays info on a given user. I want to create a switch user button on scre

React-Navigation v5 - transparency between stack navigators

Hey I have a problem with transparency when using more than one Stack.Navigator. I create 2 Stack.Navigators -> one for Screens, and one for Popups. The i