Category "react-three-fiber"

Cannot rotate mesh in React Three Fiber

I have a Plane mesh, and I want to have it initialised with an initial rotation vector. However, setting the rotateX prop does not work. <mesh rotateX={1}>

React Three Fibre follow mouse respect controls

I'm trying to get something to follow the mouse, after controls have changed the camera position Here is an example

Is it possible to load a Three.js Editor exported scene with React Three Fiber (r3f)

I was wondering some issue during r3f implementation of a scene made with Three.js Editor. There is any issue about loading of json from an exported file ? func

React Three Fiber OBJLoader conflicts witth @types/three

I am following the official React Three Fiber Docs here. I am trying to load .obj files into my scene, using this article: react-three-fiber docs: loading obj m

How to make smooth camera transition in react three fiber

Till now I have managed to achieve camera shifting from one place to another but it goes all of a sudden i want a animation or a smooth effect in between curren

Mobile Safari Not Showing My Video Texture

I have a question similar to this one, but in my case, it's iOS causing troubles (not macOS, which I haven't tried yet), so I hope it's OK to post this as well.