Category "reactiveui"

Trouble binding ViewModel to View, as part of a ListViewItem DataTemplate with ReactiveUI

I'm having some issues trying to display a view in a ListViewItem Data template in reactive. I have a ListView in, for example ReceiptView.xaml whose source is

How to use WhenActivated with properties in avalonia

I am trying to use ReactiveUI along with Avalonia. Due to initialization order in Avalonia 0.10 preview following code fails: class ViewModel : IActivatableView

How to scroll to an item using MVVM Prism and ReactiveCommand in ViewModel?

Xamarin Forms 4.0 recently released a CollectionView that lets us scroll to a specific item in a collectionView. I have a collection view with 10 items in it t

ReactiveUI Bind an Enum Property to a Color Property in View Model

I am starting my first Reactive UI Project. I have an enum, and I want to map a specific color to a specific enum value. How could I accomplish this using React