Category "discord"

Hiding plain text URL in JS (Webhook URL)

I am working on an electron JS based app, and I have a a discord webhook that logs the happenings. When the ASAR is unpacked (which anyone with knowledge can do

Missing Access for Slash Commands

Heres the error message: PS C:\Users\User\Documents\Discord Bot> node . ready C:\Users\User\Documents\Discord Bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\rest\RequestHan

Hyperlink Markdown dynamically in discord

I'm trying to make an embed message where the title of the video is the link. To achieve that I'm using square brackets and parentheses around the objects, but

How to make a Discord bot tell the current date and time on command?

I want to have my Discord bot tell me the current date and time on a simple command, so if I say "whats the time?" it will tell me. Currently my only solution i

Discord.client is not a constructor - discord.js

i made a discord bot and tried a beginner code i found on youtube, this is my code and my errors index.js // Require the necessary discord.js classes const Disc

Why is my Discord Bot in GitHub not working?

When I run it's giving me this error. I was just trying to replicate a bot from GitHub and I didn't know it would be this difficult, here is the GitHub:

Discord.js how can bot ping when someone with a specific role leave

I made a bot and I want to add a feature to my bot. ping a specific room when people with a custom role leave the server. So, for example, we'll know when peopl

How to make bot grab perma server invite link

I'm working on a bot project that has invite feature, currently I'm having trouble with this command that allow bot to grab server perma invite link (that made

How to install modules on the shell automatically on using python

I am making a discord bot, for this I needed to make buttons for an embed, and to do that I needed to import a library. Once I imported it in the code replit wo

Discord Python bot - Coroutine never awaited

I'm trying to make a Blind-test bot game in Python, which actually works pretty fine. I managed to get a whole spotify playlist in the queue with that play_next

How to create and set permissions of a role at the same command in discord.j?

I have been trying to make a command that creates the roles that are necessary for some actions of the bot and I have successfully made the code for creating th

Discord Error 403 error code: 50001 Missing Access

when i run python3.9 -m ctbot i got this error, and the slash command will not be updated. after i kicked my bot and reinvited my bot to my server, the slash co

Tenor API search varied results

I'm making a Discord bot. Currently where if you type -gif **arguments** it uses the Tenor API and posts the result of the gif within a message which does work

Is there a way to set the timestamp to UTC in discord.js

I wanted to create a footer for a discord embed, that has UTC time so I created the lines in the following, and then it errored a lot, so I turned it into an ob

Reacting messages with Emojis in

I'm making a bot with Python and I want to send messages with emojis. How can I react a message in I found this method in stackoverflow but How can

Can't jump to next channel when bot does not have permission to send message

So, I wrote some code, that sends a message to each channel in a server; server_id = 974656708672925260 message = "test" thread = 20

Do something when a specified user react discord.js

Hello i have a marry command and i want to do a reaction verify, when the tagged person reacts with ✅ do the actions i add there. I can't find a solution,

Python Discord Bot reproduce audio from youtube link

I'm trying to make my discord bot reporoduce audio from a link @client.command() async def play(ctx, url): #...code but it seems that I need to have install How to fix "event loop is closed"

I am new to programming. I am trying to have my discord bot open up command prompt to confirm it can run, but I am getting this error: File "C:\Users\---\Ap

I am having this " throw new RangeError('BITFIELD_INVALID', bit);" error; and i just can not find the solution

I keep getting this error: throw new RangeError('BITFIELD_INVALID', bit); ^ RangeError [BITFIELD_INVALID]: Invalid bitfield flag or number: undefin