I have tried to DM myself using the code: User me = new UserById(myId); me.openPrivateChannel().flatMap(channel -> channel.sendMessage("hello")).queue(); Th
I am making a discord.js bot and trying to get it verified! I want to make it so when you add it to a server and it has below 35 members it leaves it. This is s
I recently switched from Canvas to Sharp to create the welcome image that pops up in the welcome channel every time a user joins since I heard that Sharp is mor
When I pass *grant @user add in Discord I get the following exception: Ignoring exception in command grant: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/te
I am working on an electron JS based app, and I have a a discord webhook that logs the happenings. When the ASAR is unpacked (which anyone with knowledge can do
Heres the error message: PS C:\Users\User\Documents\Discord Bot> node . ready C:\Users\User\Documents\Discord Bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\rest\RequestHan
I'm trying to make an embed message where the title of the video is the link. To achieve that I'm using square brackets and parentheses around the objects, but
I want to have my Discord bot tell me the current date and time on a simple command, so if I say "whats the time?" it will tell me. Currently my only solution i
i made a discord bot and tried a beginner code i found on youtube, this is my code and my errors index.js // Require the necessary discord.js classes const Disc
When I run main.py it's giving me this error. I was just trying to replicate a bot from GitHub and I didn't know it would be this difficult, here is the GitHub:
I made a bot and I want to add a feature to my bot. ping a specific room when people with a custom role leave the server. So, for example, we'll know when peopl
I'm working on a bot project that has invite feature, currently I'm having trouble with this command that allow bot to grab server perma invite link (that made
I am making a discord bot, for this I needed to make buttons for an embed, and to do that I needed to import a library. Once I imported it in the code replit wo
I'm trying to make a Blind-test bot game in Python, which actually works pretty fine. I managed to get a whole spotify playlist in the queue with that play_next
I have been trying to make a command that creates the roles that are necessary for some actions of the bot and I have successfully made the code for creating th
when i run python3.9 -m ctbot i got this error, and the slash command will not be updated. after i kicked my bot and reinvited my bot to my server, the slash co
I'm making a Discord bot. Currently where if you type -gif **arguments** it uses the Tenor API and posts the result of the gif within a message which does work
I wanted to create a footer for a discord embed, that has UTC time so I created the lines in the following, and then it errored a lot, so I turned it into an ob
I'm making a bot with Python and I want to send messages with emojis. How can I react a message in discord.py? I found this method in stackoverflow but How can
So, I wrote some code, that sends a message to each channel in a server; server_id = 974656708672925260 message = "test" thread = 20