Category "redux-thunk"

How to use createAsyncThunk with Typescript? How to set types for the `pending` and `rejected` payloads?

Right now I've got these actions that I use for an upload thunk's lifecycle. type UPLOAD_START = PayloadAction<void> type UPLOAD_SUCCESS = PayloadAction

How can I link certain actions between 2 Redux stores?

I've got a situation whereby I wish to "link" a portion 2 Redux stores together (I know this is unusual), but I can't work out how to filter the actions appropr

React Navigation v5: How to navigate using redux thunk/redux saga?

How can I navigate the screen in react-navigation in Redux-Saga and Redux-Thunk? Is it possible to get access to the navigation context in sagas or thunk? For e

Argument of type 'AsyncThunkAction<any, void, {}>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AnyAction'

store.ts export const store = configureStore({ reducer: { auth: authReducer }, middleware: [], }); export type AppDispatch = typeof store.d

Why do we need middleware for async flow in Redux?

According to the docs, "Without middleware, Redux store only supports synchronous data flow". I don't understand why this is the case. Why can't the container c

How can i redirect after successful submit of form using react-redux

action.js import axios from 'axios'; import { EVENT_ADD_FAIL, EVENT_ADD_REQUEST, EVENT_ADD_SUCCESS } from '../constraints/eventConstraint'; const addEvent = (e