How can you pass a pointer to component 1 to component 2 (so that you can work with component 1 inside component 2, e.g. get its properties) <Component1 />
While using new_list = my_list, any modifications to new_list changes my_list every time. Why is this, and how can I clone or copy the list to prevent it?
Good day. I'm having a hard time solving how to pass an id from a table (Region table) and use that id as a reference (idParent) for the table (Province table)
I'm getting the following exception when trying to call GetDatabase method of the MongoClient class after adding a new configuration using VS config. manager: C
So I have read a lot of things about people saying const & is always good as it eliminates copying, and passing by value is a bad idea. Th
Hey Stack overflow community please go easy on me if this question is not a good one :) Is there any advantage to initialising a widget such as SizedBox with a
Giving an interface interface IAnInterface { } How to reference and point to a class type that implements that interface! Meaning! Giving a class: class AClas
So I have a record type with mutable field: type mpoint = { mutable x:int ; mutable y: int };; let apoint = { x=3 ; y=4};; And I have a function that expects a
// program to check if the string is palindrome or not function checkPalindrome(str) { // find the length of a string const len = string.length; /
I'm moving my app from express.js to Nest.js, and I can't find a way to reference one mongoose Schema in another, without using old way of declaring Schema with
I'm a beginner in programming. please allow me to ask. So I'm making a top up form with Codeigniter 3. I want to give a unique code for each nominal top up. For
I have $this->table as a global variable and an object inside of it, where foo is a table field name. example. $this->table = t_module::__set_state(arra
I am using the Composition API (with <script setup lang='ts'>) to create a ref, used in my template: const searchRef = ref(null) onMounted(() => { sear
I have some questions regarding this program: #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> #include <functional> using namespace std; template
Why is there a need to have std::reference_wrapper? Where should it be used? How is it different from a simple pointer? How its performance compares to a simple
I'm creating a library, and one part of it requires a structured model. Let's say we have sections, and each section can have subsections (categories). All of t
I am getting an error in C# Visual Studio and there doesn't seem to be any clear-to-the-point answer to this question online. When I want to add mscorlib, I get
I am faced with a problem that gives me this error: A circular reference has been detected when serializing the object of class "App\Entity\User" (configured l
Why do constant references not behave the same way as constant pointers, so that I can actually change the object they are pointing to? They really seem like an
Scripting the Blender, I successfully did bpy.ops.render.render(some_args) but bpy.ops.render['render'] fails with BPyOpsSubMod object is not subscriptable. Thi