Category "reference"

React: How to pass a pointer to one component to a second component

How can you pass a pointer to component 1 to component 2 (so that you can work with component 1 inside component 2, e.g. get its properties) <Component1 />

How do I clone a list so that it doesn't change unexpectedly after assignment?

While using new_list = my_list, any modifications to new_list changes my_list every time. Why is this, and how can I clone or copy the list to prevent it?

Laravel - Passing id from one page and reference that id for the next page's table data

Good day. I'm having a hard time solving how to pass an id from a table (Region table) and use that id as a reference (idParent) for the table (Province table)

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Buffers, Version='

I'm getting the following exception when trying to call GetDatabase method of the MongoClient class after adding a new configuration using VS config. manager: C

c++ Best practise when passing in arguments to functions [closed]

So I have read a lot of things about people saying const & is always good as it eliminates copying, and passing by value is a bad idea. Th

Flutter storing a widget in Provider class and reusing it in multiple widgets

Hey Stack overflow community please go easy on me if this question is not a good one :) Is there any advantage to initialising a widget such as SizedBox with a

Typescript: how to inference class type that implements an interface

Giving an interface interface IAnInterface { } How to reference and point to a class type that implements that interface! Meaning! Giving a class: class AClas

Is there a way to obtain a 'reference' to a mutable struct field

So I have a record type with mutable field: type mpoint = { mutable x:int ; mutable y: int };; let apoint = { x=3 ; y=4};; And I have a function that expects a

Why my javascript is showing reference error "Prompt is not defined"

// program to check if the string is palindrome or not function checkPalindrome(str) { // find the length of a string const len = string.length; /

Mongoose Subdocuments in Nest.js

I'm moving my app from express.js to Nest.js, and I can't find a way to reference one mongoose Schema in another, without using old way of declaring Schema with

In the code igniter 3, how is the unique code applied in online nominal payments?

I'm a beginner in programming. please allow me to ask. So I'm making a top up form with Codeigniter 3. I want to give a unique code for each nominal top up. For

get attribute from class not working php 7

I have $this->table as a global variable and an object inside of it, where foo is a table field name. example. $this->table = t_module::__set_state(arra

How to correctly declare static refs in Composition API using Typescript?

I am using the Composition API (with <script setup lang='ts'>) to create a ref, used in my template: const searchRef = ref(null) onMounted(() => { sear

C++ Difference between std::ref(T) and T&?

I have some questions regarding this program: #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> #include <functional> using namespace std; template

What is the difference between std::reference_wrapper and a simple pointer?

Why is there a need to have std::reference_wrapper? Where should it be used? How is it different from a simple pointer? How its performance compares to a simple

Classes with property referencing other classes

I'm creating a library, and one part of it requires a structured model. Let's say we have sections, and each section can have subsections (categories). All of t

A reference to the dll could not be added. The component is Automatically Referenced C#

I am getting an error in C# Visual Studio and there doesn't seem to be any clear-to-the-point answer to this question online. When I want to add mscorlib, I get

A circular reference has been detected when serializing the object of class "App\Entity\User" (configured limit: 1)

I am faced with a problem that gives me this error: A circular reference has been detected when serializing the object of class "App\Entity\User" (configured l

What is a constant reference? (not a reference to a constant)

Why do constant references not behave the same way as constant pointers, so that I can actually change the object they are pointing to? They really seem like an

Accessing non-subscriptable properties

Scripting the Blender, I successfully did bpy.ops.render.render(some_args) but bpy.ops.render['render'] fails with BPyOpsSubMod object is not subscriptable. Thi