I have a txt file and I would like to match a certain pattern and convert a numeric field from decimal to hex and write back existing file using perl. Before Wi
Here's the code: { label: "Name", name: "name", placeholder: 'Name', type: "text", rule: yup.string() .required('Name is a r
Fill in the code to check if the text passed has at least 2 groups of alphanumeric characters (including letters, numbers, and underscores) separated by one or
I have this regex in Javascript: 0x[A-F0-9]{2}\g I would like to modify that in order to get a match when the previous character IS NOT a \. Something like t
How do I reverse each uppercase and lowercase ("I am A Great human") to ("I ma A Taerg namuh")? This is the code I Have: function wordsReverse(str) { let wo
This is my string: window.urlVideo = 'https://node34.vidstreamcdn.com/hls/5d59908aea5aa101a054dec2a1cd3aff/5d59908aea5aa101a054dec2a1cd3aff.playlist.m3u8';
Why is an underscore (_) not regarded as a non-word character? This regexp \W matches all non-word character but not the underscore.
I am trying to convert my docker-compose nginx.conf to kubernetes nginx ingress controller. This is my nginx.conf that i am using with docker-compose. server {
I'm trying to match all proper nouns in some given text. So far I've got (?<![.?!]\s|^)(?<!\“)[A-Z][a-z]+ which ignores capital words preceded by a
I am moving a Django site to GCP and using Google Cloud Run for the first time. The experience is great. I was also very pleased with the domain mapping feature
I created this very complex regular expression(RegEx101) for IPv4 and IPv6 ((^\s*((([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-
I have a input field for price and quantity and I want to restrict it to have only +ve integers. I don't want to do any kind of validation like the type=number
see this i am struggle with match the pattern with empty column. my regex pattern look like ^(.*?\$).*?(\w\:\\.*?)\s(.*?)$. this pattern match the not empty
In a crossword puzzle, some letters are given and we have to figure out which complete word can we make out of it. For example, given letters "cwd"in the same o
I'm attempting to use the Python re.sub module to replace any instance of false in the example below with "false, \n" local Mission = { start_done = false
Given: const textToFind = 'Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, ' const paragraph = 'Lorem Ipsum has been the
In pandas I can search and replace all fields that contain the word fish, for example, using df.replace(r'.*fish.*', 'foo', regex = True). But how do I sear
I have a pattern string with a wild card say X (E.g.: abc*). Also I have a set of strings which I have to match against the given pattern. E.g.: abf - false
Consider I have the following string: { "{\n <<<-- error \"SomeKey\": {\n \"somevalue\": \"test\",\n, \"AnotherKey\": \"Long string shou
I want to add more metadata to last names in Palantir Foundry's Multipass for our users (for instance, to display Anna Smith, USA (Contractor)). My SAML integra