Category "remote-access"

psexec command to run bat file present in some directory on remote server

I want to achieve following in one single command. PS D:\custom> .\PsExec.exe \remoteserver -u user -p password -accepteula -s cmd PsExec v2.34 - Execute pro

VS code Remote Development problem with SSH connection (Windows to Linux)

I'm Currently trying to setup Remote developement environment with VS code. I have installed Remote - SSH plugin and edited my .ssh/config file as below Host AB

How to run a jupyter notebook through a remote server on local machine?

I have a remote access to remote server from my university and I'm accessing it through my local machine! However, my local machine has not enough memory to run

SQL Server Developer edition on Ubuntu: Allowing remote connections

I've got SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition up and running on my Linux VM. I'd like to remotely connect to that SQL Server instance from my Windows development P

SQL Server Developer edition on Ubuntu: Allowing remote connections

I've got SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition up and running on my Linux VM. I'd like to remotely connect to that SQL Server instance from my Windows development P

vscode remote-shh: switching user in the file explorer

I have VSCode with the extension remote-ssh installed. I connect to a remote host by username and IdentityFile. To access certain files on the remote host, I ha

Using PHP to connect to a remote MSSQL database

My local environment is WAMP. For a few pages i have to access a remotely hosted MSSQL DB, run queries and get back results. I have been supplied the following