Category "rest"

JSONObject always returns "empty": false

There is a Spring Rest Controller : @RestController @RequestMapping("secanalytique") public class SectionAnalytiqueController { @GetMapping(value = "/sect

Vendor Machine API's Postman Collection Issue

I am trying to create a postman collection for a Vendor machine API but when I try to send a login request localhost:3000/auth/login I get connect ECONNREFUSED

RestSharp body always empty

I need to call a Post service with RestSharp var client = new RestClient(url); var request = new RestRequest(url,Method.POST); request.AddHeader("Content-t

How to get image in response with postman

I have an endpoint to get the image i uploaded earlier, it works but not well I don't know if i can get the image in response my controller endpoint: @PreAuth

AWS SNS API4 authentication fails

I'm stuck around the production of the signature to perform an AWS SNS post, to be honest, I'm going for my 4th day of searching and trying:/ I found this AWS w

Spring post method "Required request body is missing"

@PostMapping(path="/login") public ResponseEntity<User> loginUser(@RequestBody Map<String, String> userData) throws Exception { return ResponseE

Spring Boot : Token authentication(bearer) in request headers in rest api when token also comes from calling another api

In my spring boot Application i have a scheduler which calls an API to generate token which expires in 15 min. Time of scheduler is also 15 min. please find bel

C# Service HttpClient reponse null

I have gone through all the possible posts and I have not found any solution that works for me (There is no more to see the mess in imports), please help. :( I

Coinbase API returns Cloudflare captcha check and fails to execute [closed]

After a year of my server working perfectly fine, since last week, I am no longer able to successfully hit the Coinbase API, even though no co

API resolved without sending a response in Nextjs

I have to make same changes in my nextjs project because my enpoint API doesn't support many calls and I would like to make a refresh from the original data eve

Flutter fetched Japanese character from server decoded wrong

I am building a mobile app with Flutter. I need to fetch a json file from server which includes Japanese text. A part of the returned json is: { "id": "

Send POST data via raw JSON with Postman

I've got Postman (the one that doesn't open in Chrome) and I'm trying to do a POST request using raw JSON. In the Body tab I have "raw" selected and "JSON (appl

Is it problematic that Spring Data REST exposes entities via REST resources without using DTOs?

In my limited experience, I've been told repeatedly that you should not pass around entities to the front end or via rest, but instead to use a DTO. Doesn't Sp

How to display WordPress Post LIST Rest API By Category? ReactJS

I am new to ReactJs and Need to implement wordpress Rest api, I am trying to figure out post list by category, My code is here. getPostsByCategory = async () =

how to exclude properties of super class when generating open API spec using swagger in java

We have a class which is inherited from third party library class. While generating open API spec using swagger, in schema all the properties of the third part

What would be a proper way to handle tokens in monolith application?

I have a monolith web application powered by Laravel. Users access different forms and some of them have button on them that executes Ajax call to the back-end

Produce JSON by RESTful web service in Spring Boot?

My problem: I don't returns Json but an array. So, I will wish Json return: My repository interface: public interface SuiRepository extends JpaRepository<

retrofit 2 @path Vs @query

I am new to retrofit 2 library.I read several articles to get started as a beginner and I managed to fetch XML data from my RESTful API without specifying param

How to use Stripe's secret key and publishable key?

I would like to connect with the Stripe API using a https call using the https library. var https = require('https'); I have gotten the secret key and publis

Spring Boot Custom Authentication Provider with Java Configuration not working

I am trying to setup a REST based web application, where the frontend is using Reactjs and the backend is using Spring Boot. I am also trying to setup a custom