Category "jsonparser"

How to obtain json schema from jsonpaths of all the required fields using java

Say the input is: [{keyname: firstname,,type:string}, {keyname:age, path:person.age,type:number}] Then jsonschema should be generate

I want to build a dynamic Tab Bar and corresponding pages which contains a list of items corresponding to that tab using complex JSON data in flutter

I'm trying to build a dynamic Tab bar using flutter that displays tabs with the tab names corresponding to my JSON data and then for each key I want to map the

Major rearrangement of pandas DataFrame containing nested lists and dictionaries ( CFBD (College Football Database))

The College Football Database (cfbd) contains all team ranks for each week of every college football season going back to 1937.I am trying to set up data from t

How to find the tag Value in the dynamic JSON-Object with Java 8

I have JSON-object which has a dynamic key inside it. I need to get a specific value mapped to this dynamic Key. For example: value "10.00" will be returned for