Category "rest"

What should the response status code be in a REST API when the given ID is a valid ID but there's no matching document?

I'm using MongoDB for my Express app and I know that when an ID is an invalid ID for the corresponding database, the response status code is 400 (Bad Request).

How to Customise example value of request body and execute it on swagger-ui with springdoc-open-api

I have created rest webservice using springboot and added springdoc-open-api for ducumentation of webservice, Now i have 2 question 1-how to add custom test val

I need to send the request correctly, but I don't know how to get the required values from objects

How to get a new list from the list of objects? I need a new list of objects to POST request this list of objects i get from response: { "success": true, "b

How to return a marshalled JSON that has a nested property?

Fellow programmers from SO! I am building a simple Spring Boot example just to add a Client using a RESTful API. I have written this Controller: import org.spri

Get XSD from RESTful Web API

I have created simple RESTful Web API with automatic documentation from Swagger on Azure by using C# : namespace WebAPIDemo.Controllers { public class

How can I explore a dictionary into a dictionary when im consuming an API. Example with PokeAPI

I'm trying to see the value of a key in a nested dictionary consuming an api. The code below iterate each pokemon in a the list of all pokemons and print some o

Display GET Request data in HTML

This endpoint http://vk-data:8003/v1/entries/ returns this: [ { "id": "country", "url": "http://vk-data:8003/v1/entries/country", "n

Returning data from async call in Swift function

I have created a utility class in my Swift project that handles all the REST requests and responses. I have built a simple REST API so I can test my code. I hav

Q: Wordpress Meta Data Update with postman

How can i update my customers meta data with postman? When i am trying. I am getting this error. meta_data[0] is not of type object. I want to add like this Pan

Spring - is it possible to give same url (path) in request mapping for two different post methods?

Is it possible to map same path (uri) in request mapping for two different post methods, only difference is request body. Example @RequestMapping(value = "/he

Exact purpose of tags in OpenAPI and why are they unique

By Specification: A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata

Optimizing waypoints and getting the route

Context The service I'm building needs to performs two steps using the HERE API. It needs to calculate the optional route between multiple waypoints. This can b

How to prevent shopping cart alterations in another tab when paymentintent is already created

Has anyone figured out a solution to this? I seem to have gotten to the same conclusion with no solution. If I were to go the my app's checkout page, the payint

Postman and content-length

From my laptop I initiated a POST request to my web server. The HTTP POST request looks something like this (when seen via POSTMAN console) POST /api/fwupgrade

User account delete in django's rest

I want create view which can deactivation user's account. when i create view and send delete request i have error - > "detail": "You do not have permission t

How can I connect to the google search ads 360 api via a python script?

I have to build a data pipeline which downloads reports from google search ads 360, processes them and saves them in google big query. Because we're planning on

JS: How to manage a POST request queue

I've created an API that allows you to make a POST request that doesn't return an immediate result to the client and needs to be processed. I would like to allo

Starting jbpm process with REST API with parameters and document attachment

I am using jbpm version 6.5.0. I have requirement to call process through REST API and I am successful to start process with parameters. I am testing it with

Getting Tableu Usage Statistics by time frame

I've been trying to get tableau usage statistics for the last 3 months. When running this get request on postman Server/api/api-version/sites/site-id/workbooks/

REST: handling nested resources and paths

I have three resources, owner, dog, and puppy and I am designing the REST endpoints for the puppy. I already know who the owner is with every request via JWT a