Category "restructuredtext"

Is there a way to set the image scaling method in reST/Sphinx?

when I use the :scale: property on my pixel art, its very blurry. How can i change the scaling method to nearest neighbor for sharper scaling in Sphinx/reST?

Headings and Chapters are messed up in ReadTheDocs Sphinx PDF file

For some reason, the subtitles become the chapters in the PDF generated for my docs by ReadTheDocs. Check it out here:

Set a default option for a given directive in Sphinx

In Sphinx, is there a way to set a default value for a directive option in, so that it is always used whenever I use that directive? In particular, I am

How to set opengraph metadata tags for a sphinx document?

I'm looking to add meta tags to my sphinx document for the opengraph properties. I see that sphinx has this meta directive .. meta:: :description: The Sphinx

Text wrapping in cell spanning over multiple rows - Sphinx ReStructuredText

When creating a table with cell spanning over multiple rows I notice that the contents of the text don't wrap but increase the width of the table to produce hor

Getting "Extension error (sphinx.environment.collectors.toctree)" when adding section nodes in Sphinx extension

I am trying to write a new Sphinx extension. A minimum example of an extension that does something similar to what I want is from docutils import nodes from doc

Specifying anchor names in reST

I'm creating HTML from reST using the rst2html tool which comes with docutils. It seems that the code already assigns id attributes to the individual sections,

Multiple lines of text in single cell of simple table?

I found this question, but I don't want explicit <br>s in my cell; I just want it to line-wrap where necessary. e.g., ================ ============ a s

Multiple lines of text in single cell of simple table?

I found this question, but I don't want explicit <br>s in my cell; I just want it to line-wrap where necessary. e.g., ================ ============ a s