Category "rider"

JetBrains rider IDE => Hosting Environment

enter image description hereI am trying to move from Visual Studio 2022 to JetBrains rider with my .NET full-stack project. I am using Webpack for my front-end

I can't run C# console application ( version `GLIBC_2.32' not found)

I am on Ubuntu 21.04 and running a C# console application in Jetbrains Rider. And it says: /home/Door/RiderProjects/ConsoleApp1/ConsoleApp1/bin/Debug/net6.0/Con

Is there a way to generate XML-style comments for all methods/classes in project?

When using an IDE like Visual Studio or Rider for C#, writing triple-slashes auto-completes to an XML-style comment, along with fields for input and output (whe

intellij rider c# documentation english language

I just started with .net and Intellij Rider. I need to have spanish version of windows on my work laptop but I prefer to have everything related to code purely

Rider shows Lots of errors when opening an Unreal 5 project (but it sill builds)

When I open an Unreal 5 project in Rider, all the classes from UnrealBuildTool are shown as errors: The type 'object' is defined in an assembly that is not ref

Can't connect to SQL Server from Jetbrains Rider after updating driver to 10.2

I'm using the same credentials as before update. It writes: [08S01] The driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets La

.NET 6 project within Jetbrains Rider on Apple M1 fails to debug or start after updating to Rider 2022.1

I am working on a .NET 6 project using Rider as IDE on macOS Monterey on an Apple M1 Pro. After updating Rider from 2021.3.4 to 2022.1 with the JetBrains Toolbo

what api is used to make such call?

in the WebView app - a driver calls his rider without exposing his phone number - a Twilio number already purchased and voice and sms already enabled - when rid

JetBrains Rider to stop opening diff tab on navigation

I am a huge fan of JetBrains Rider it is really adaptable to the tastes of most devs. I could not find settings to remove an annoyance from a specific navigatio

How to disable tracking changes within editor of Rider?

When Rider detects you are using some version control it will show for example gray triangles next to line numbers in places when some code was removed (within

JetBrains Rider - configure appsettings overrides

I am trying JetBrains Rider for my existing .NET Core project. In the project I have several appsettings.json overrides: appsettings.Development.json - for dev

How do I disable the variable type hint for a 'var' declared variable in Rider?

In Jetbrains Rider the type of a 'var' declared variable is shown as hint by default. I don't want that. How can I get rid of it?

Is there a way to view all changes in my branch within a JetBrains IDE?

I have a mercurial branch with three commits and I would like to view the aggregate changes of these three commits within Rider. I have TortiseHg and BeyondComp

Where is output window in Rider?

I went through the entire app and two Google pages and didn't found it. How can I enable the output window?

The .gitignore setting for the .idea folder of Jetbrains Rider's does not work

I am currently working on a game project for Android using Unity and Rider on Windows10. Git administration is using Github Desktop. After completing the game