Category "robolectric"

Can you UnitTest Android workers that employ Hilt constructor injection

Im investigating the use of Hilt in my current Android application. api 'androidx.hilt:hilt-work:1.0.0-alpha02' implementation "

Ignore firebase related exceptions in Roboelectric unit test

My Roboelectric unit tests are giving this exception when I try to initialise Firebase in the Application class. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Default Fireb

Parameterize some tests but not others with RobolectricTest

I am looking to add a parameterized test to an existing test suite that uses the Robolectric test framework, like so: @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) publ

How run robolectric inside AOSP

I try run robolectric inside AOSP my Android.bp file looks like android_robolectric_test { name: "MyRoboTests", srcs: [ "src/**/*.java",

Organize shared code between androidTest and test

I'm building an android component in the form of a gradle project. To test my components UI in several configurations with the espresso framework, I have a Test