Category "robot"

gpiozero.exc.PinPWMUnsupported: PWM is not supported on pin GPIO7 (Raspberry Pi 4B)

I am working on my first Raspberry Pi project while following a course for creating a line-following robot. This is the course. I followed all the instructions

Gazebo 4 Wheeled Robot does not move

I made a URDF-File for a 4-wheeled Robot. I would like to test it in Gazebo. I have it working so far. I have 4 wheels, they also turn. I confirmed this by turn

How to call class method in robot framework?

I am getting error "No keyword with name 'addition' found." py file class A: def addition(self,a,b): print(a+b) obj=A() obj.addition(4,5) robot code

How can I click on each link on a page and then return to the initial page using Robot Framework?

I have this link : and I want to click on each link, extract some information and then comeback to the initial pa