Category "rollupjs"

How to load a Font from node_modules with Vite?

I'm trying to load a company font from a node_modules folder which only includes fonts and icons, it was working locally. At first, I thought it was because Vit

RollupJS generate only index.js

I'm having some trouble with RollupJS. I have one component library using typescript, react, AntDesign which using rollup. Here my rollup config: import babe

Deploying Svelte App to Heroku / Dokku fails because modules cannot be found

I am having problems deploying my svelte web3 App to my VPS running Dokku. The structure of the folder is as follows: root |-->svelte |--> ... I found s

How to resolve rollup build error when using emotion: 'default' is not exported by @emotion\memoize\dist\memoize.cjs.js

I'm trying to build a standardized react button component for our enterprise library. I want to be able to use @emotion/styled to generate the styled react comp

Rollup doesn't bundle all the files exported in my input src

I have a problem. I'm currently making a component library for react, it works perfectly in storybook. But when I do a npm rollup, or install my package from np

How to do cache busting in Rollup.js?

In my project, I need to do cache busting, since after a new deploy, the browser often only reloads the HTML but not the JS & CSS files. Currently, I am not

is it possible to use rollup for processing just css?

I know that Rollup is used to bundle .js files. But is it possible to use it just to process css? (css, scss, less, etc). What i mean is if i had for example in

Unresolved dependencies rollup

I'm doing import file from 'file.json in a Vue component, but have a challenge when I run npm run build to bundle it with Rollup. It throws this error below an

Rollup preserveModulesRoot not working as expected

I feel like the preserveModulesRoot option while using preserveModules does not work as it should. Let's say I have a src/index.ts and a bunch of src/components

How to substitute sources for browser bundle with Rollup?

Using rollup is it possible to replace a specific source by another source in a NPM package during a browser bundle? Note this source is dynamically imported vi

Rollup & React- How to separate component bundles?

I currently am trying to build a UI Library for React and I am having a little bit of trouble. Currently I am using typescript and rollup, and I am able to bund

How to include HTML partials using Vite?

Is it possible to include snippets of shared HTML using Vite (vanilla)? I'm looking for a way to have the HTML prerendered without injecting via JS. Something l