I have this code which receives data from node (subscribe) and then inside this node I do some mathematical operation, then I want to publish the data to a cert
I was trying to assign the value of a geometry point (it has x,y,z. All of them are float64. If you want to check it: http://docs.ros.org/en/noetic/api/geometry
I'm hoping to have a config file loaded in via rosparam that includes the type for a generic callback to subscribe to. Right now this is what I have but can't f
Setup I am running ROS nodes on two separate machines (my laptop, running ROS melodic on Ubuntu 18.04, and a voxl computer running ROS kinetic on yocto). Proble
I have a ROS node that allows you to "publish" a data structure to it, to which it responds by publishing an output. The timestamp of what I published and what
I need help with the following problem: Task script: read in the message sensor_msgs/PointCloud2, display Bird Eye View image and save (png or jpg). Desired new
I am running ubuntu 14.04 and trying to launch ROS Simulator. I have this error: ImportError: No module named 'glob' Installing glob2 does not solve the prob
I am looking for a indoor positioning/2d motion tracking system for small robot cars (1:8 scale RC cars). We want to use the system as a ground truth for the de
In ROS, listing of nodes is as follows rosnode list In ROS, killing a node is as follows rosnode kill node_name When I execute kill subcommand on a
I am working with Robot Operating System (ROS) and am attempting to make a server/client where the server will boot up ROS nodes that are specified by the clien
For a given ros message, is there any way I can get the sub-fields of the ros-message. I'm reading the messages from a rosbag file using a python script, "for