Category "routes"

router.get doesn't work but router.get with id works

calling http://localhost:5000/surveycreate/4 works and redirects me to surveypage.html but calling http://localhost:5000/surveycreate does not work, it redire

add uri parameter to Route name in laravel

I'm working on a Laravel project, and I made a simple CRUD system, but I have a small problem to generate the URL system in my project, I made a Route::macro

Areas do not work when migrating an Angular app to NET 6

I have an .NET Core 5 with Angular app and I have my controllers grouped in areas. I made the app using NET Core 1 and have successfully migrated it up to 5 wit

Rails/Rspec - testing a redirect in the controller

So I am currently writing a test for a controller in an existing controller that just didn't have one before. What I want to test is a redirect that happens whe