Category "routes"

Next JS messing up responses for concurrent requests

I have a NextJs app that uses SSR for all pages (so no static pages to worry about caching). Inside App.getInitialProps I get the user-agent to make an educated

Too few arguments to function PendingResourceRegistration::name(),1 passed in C:\xampp\htdocs\project\routes\web.php on line 18 and exactly 2 expected

Too few arguments to function Illuminate\Routing\PendingResourceRegistration::name(), 1 passed in C:\xampp\htdocs\project\routes\web.php on line 18 and exactly

Laravel Jetsream Profile page not loading on fresh install

I have performed a fresh install of Laravel Jetstream. Upon completing all the steps outlined in the Jetstream (Inertia) set up process, the project starts up f

multer file upload req.file.path undefined put request

I've created a simple RESTapi with express and for file upload I'm using multer. Creating a new item / post works. My issue is with the put route and the functi

OpenVPN server not pushing route

I've a OpenVPN 2.4.7 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu server running, which is providing around 120 routes. There's an issue with one of the routes not being pushed to the c

Zuul Route Definition

I am having a small issue in getting the Zuul route config correct. Here's what I have currently zuul: routes: microservice: path: /service/*

Next.js overlaps static route with dynamic route

I am using Next.JS application routing system. I have created a dynamic route with structure like pages/[country]/[language]/index.js. Also there is a static ro

Laravel - Implicit route model binding with soft deleted data

I am having a small issue. There are two user roles and one is a normal member and one is an admin. The member can delete a blog and they will not be able to se

Openshift routes are not redirected to particular service

I have deployed few services of my application on openshift : E.g., app-ui, app-backend,app-store ,main. I have defined separate routes for these services to ac

How to add global route prefix in core 3?

Legacy .net core frameworks used UseMvc() for adding global route prefix. How to make it for core 3 without UseMvc() ?

Can not read the slug from url on Flow Router (Meteor)

I'm trying to implement a basic route using Flow Router. But no matter what _id of a collection document I request; I always only get the info about the first d

How do I connect a WiFi AP to an OVS bridge?

I have a Raspberry Pi where eth0 was attached to an OVS bridge and a client connected to eth0 and then through there to OVS and thence onwards. However, I'm now

Angular routing error cannot find parameter when redirecting to child route with parameter and outlet

I want to redirect to a child route with an outlet from a parent route with a parameter: { path: "projects/:projectKey", component: ProjectComponent,

Error: Failed to lookup view "layout" in views directory

I am getting the error like Error: Failed to lookup view "layout" in views directory. Below is the source code of the files as well as the folder structure. in

Laravel 8: Array to string conversion while calling route:list

I have a resource controller which is ArticleController and I want to call this controller in web.php, so I coded: use App\Http\Controllers\Admin\PanelControlle

Multiple route aliases in Rails 4

I have a Rails 4 application with some routes: resources :users resources :notifications resources :comments ... My client asked me to have urls in english a

How to redirect in nuxt3 refore routing completed

I'm trying to setup a boilerplate in nuxt3 which checks before each request if the access to the current path/route is allowed. Currently I've tested two differ

Use specific middleware in Express for all paths except a specific one

I am using the Express framework in node.js with some middleware functions: var app = express.createServer(options); app.use(User.checkUser); I can use the .

Rails Routes :shallow => true

Wondering why my /articles route is not coming up when I apply :shallow => true? routes.rb resources :users, :shallow => true do resources :articles e

unable to load your default controller on Codeigniter

This is the error that i am getting. Please make sure the controller specified in your Routes.php file is valid. Let me explain this. In my application i