Category "rpc"

Wallet file not specified (must request wallet RPC through /wallet/<filename> uri-path). error when backuping wallet using BitcoinLib in C#

I'm currently working on a little program for backing up your Bitcoin Core wallet. I am using BitcoinLib v1.15.0 in C#. IBitcoinService bitcoinService = new Bit

When to use RPC over WebSocket?

I have 2 components which need to communicate with each other in bidirectional way. For now I have 2 approaches, one is setting up RPC server in both side to es

RPC Error - valid string HTTPs rpc in Metamask

In my project, I tried to connect with metamask on Ganache. But I got the error like the following. inpage.js:1 MetaMask - RPC Error: Expected an array with at

net/rpc server stay registered when running test more than once with the 'count' flag

The program creates a rpc server and a client and expose several methods via the rpc interface. Several test functions testing one of the methods each. The firs

Unity Photon PUN RPC call

I have a question about RPC and Photon PUN. I have 1 GameObject in my game that calls an RPC method. This game object contains a C# script (that contains the

Unity MLAPI ServerRPC not getting called

I'm implementing a system in which a player can pickup an item from the game world. After picking the item up, I want to destroy the game object. To do this, I

Using gRPC and/or GraphQL for microservice architecture

At my company we're about to set up a new microservice architecture, but we're still trying to decide which protocol would be best for our use case. In our case

Unmarshal to a interface type

I have some code I've been dumped with and am actually stumped - I've worked with RPC and the JSON side of things before but I can't seem to get it to work over