Category "salesforce"

lightning-radio-group in LWC

I am trying to build the quiz app in LWC. this is the array in the controller file. User should get the question and select one answer via radio button. quizLis

execute logic beforedelete event trigger

Before deleting the record (Ex: Account obj record), I want to update the field on the account record and send it to content management, hold it for a few secon

Salesforce Flow - Roll-Up Summary Nested Loop Automation?

I am trying to roll-up different fiscal year's projection sums to three different fields in Opportunities. Is there a way to do it within the same flow automat

vsCode can't retrieve/deploy anything

Working with Salesforce, org is authorised, everything works fine until it doesn't and there's no error code or anything. In the morning I retrieved a few files

Fuel SDK ETClient causing Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

I know this is caused by a null value, however I'm fairly new to java and not sure why it's null. Have I not instantiated ETClient correctly? Or overlooked some

How can I display JSON data in a Salesforce Visualforce Page?

EDIT : Here's what I was thinking for the callout : public class APISocieteCallout { String searchContent= //Content of the search String apiKey= 'XXXXXXXXXXXX

How to add onclick functionality in lightning web component data table URL column

I have created a lightning-datatable in LWC and added a custom column that displays a URL. Now, I would like to add onclick event in the URL field and want to p

Is there a way to direct query Salesforce Objects to Power Query/Power BI without having to extract the object

My data lives in Salesforce objects and I am trying to connect Power Query to Salesforce Objects. The limitation here is that I have to extract the whole object

Handling click/hover events with d3.js in Analytics Dashboard LWC

I am currently trying to build an Analytics Dashboard LWC using the d3 library. I want to be able to listen for certain events on the SVG element, however no ma

Create a dynamic SOQL Query using variable objects

I'm trying to execute a dynamic soql query using variable objects. In my visualforce page i have tow apex:selectlist, the first one contains a list of objects,

How do I select the right elements with querySelectorAll as I do by using the Chrome developers console?

I'm currently using cypress to test salesforce, and I'm running into a certain circumstance where I don't know the Party record ID that will create it within th

How do I select the right elements with querySelectorAll as I do by using the Chrome developers console?

I'm currently using cypress to test salesforce, and I'm running into a certain circumstance where I don't know the Party record ID that will create it within th

Identity Server 4 certificate signed by External Certificate Authority

We are trying to implement OpenId Connect Code flow between Identity Server 4 (provider) and SalesForce (Client) but it seems SalesForce does not like self sign

How to add more data an array of objects in a lightning component

The Issue I am having is that I have a component (A) with an array of objects. That is being displayed on the dom. Then I have another component (B) that fires

Salesforce OAuth User Agent Flow: obtain refresh token with

I am developing a web application that allows any user to connect with its Salesforce account. I've implemented User-Agent Flow and I obtain correctly access_to

Calling Apex method with multiple signatures from LWC

I've noticed some interesting behavior in an LWC that I am building and haven't been able to find much info on the cause. Basically I have an Apex method declar

How can I filter Salesforce SObjects for mappable objects

I have a C# application which contains objects whose data I want to transfer to Salesforce using the REST API. I would like to allow my users to create a mappin

Is there a way to retrieve Salesforce picklist values for record types using apex?

I need to gather information about what picklist values are available for every record type. I know this can be achieved using either describeLayout or readMeta

Google apps script: how to refresh data connector from Salesforce with a script?

I'm using Data Connector from Salesforce addon. To refresh my data in Google sheet, I usually either setup an automated refresh via the addon, or I click manua

SFDX Authorize an Org failed to run

When running the VSC>SFDX command "SFDX: Authorize an Org", I am getting the error: "SFDX: Authorize an Org failed to run" (I am using VSC on a Mac). VSC>