Category "azure"

azure function is not working in azure cloud but working in local. giving error in python script

import datetime from distutils.log import log import logging import os import azure.functions as func def main(mytimer: func.TimerRequest) -> None: utc_

Microsoft Azure Secure Webhook

I am trying to use Secure Webhook solution by Microsoft Azure to send Planned Maintenance Events to my web application's endpoint. However, while testing the we

azure blob python library - hanging on readinto() function

I have been struggling with an application hang, randomly, I have a very large number of files to download (~100k), after a random number the script will hang,

Nextflow with Azure Batch - Cannot find a matching VM image

While trying to set up Nextflow with Azure Batch (NF-Core), I am getting following error. I tried this on multiple workflows (sarek, ataseq etc.) I get the same

ADLS Gen 1 with Synapse Notebook Scala

I am not able to find the way to connect ADLS Gen 1 in a synapse notebook. I already have existing linked service for ADLS Gen 1. I have seen some of the docume

ReactJS and Azure library problem with displaying certain elements

so I'm doing a school project where I'm trying to fetch data from my Azure blob-storage and then displaying it on a website which is creating in ReactJS. I've m

SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS) on Azure SQL Database [closed]

Azure SQL Database supports Full recovery model and we can't change the recovery model of Azure SQL Databases. As mentioned here while making

Spring Boot Azure Multiple HttpSecurity

Is it possible to mix two authentication modes? Internal user: Azure ad External user: form authentication So far I have this: @EnableWebSecurity @EnableGlobalM

Databricks- ConcurrentAppendException:

I'm running like 20 notebooks concurrently and they all update the same Delta table (however, different rows). I'm getting the below exception if any two notebo

Proper way of tracing distributed requests through Azure Function Apps

I am experimenting with Node.js and the application insights SDK in two separate function apps. Nodejs is just what I am comfortable with to quickly poc, this m

Can't get Code from Azure Active Directory from Post because of redirect

I need assistance with a company website I'm working on that should be linked up with Azure Active Directory. I have read those Azure Active Directory Docs. Our

Service dependency on AD client services

I have a Win32 service that runs in an AD environment. Very early in its startup phase, this service now needs to make ADSI calls in order to find out the compu

Get-Date Error in AD Password Expire reminder

this is part of a code that reminds users if their active directory password is about to expire. It used to work, but now I get this error out of a sudden! Mayb

Azure function .net 6 return error 500 after deploy

I've migrated a project from .net core 3.1 to .net 6.0. I've resolved/updated all nugets and my functions runs well on local environments (I've tested on two pc

PIL UnidentifiedImageError from Azure Blob Trigger though image opens in 'watch'

I am trying to debug an Azure function locally using Blob trigger. When uploading an image file to Azure, the trigger is received by my function running locally

Azure Static Web Apps: How to set the version of Node.js?

I want to use Node.js v12.x to build and deploy but it uses 14.15.1: Using Node version: v14.15.1 Using Npm version: 6.14.8

Exporting/Importing dates from Active Directory

Simple export script to grab users from Active Directory and output a .csv file: $ad_users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $adPath -LDAPFilter $filter -Properties samA

How can I create container in azurite running from test container in java?

I am trying to test azure file upload using azurite docker image from test container below is code I am using for the same public class AzureContainer { pu

I want to assign UAMI to kubelet, but it fails due to lack of permissions

I'm trying to assign UAMI to an AKS kubelet using terraform, but I don't have permissions and it fails with the following error. Error: creating Managed Kuberne

How to get Custom Log tables from Azure Log Analytics Workspace through PowerShell script?

I am looking for a way to get all custom log tables from an Azure log analytics workspace through PowerShell code. Below is an example of three custom log table