Category "sampling"

Problem with rms and dB values of discrete samples

I'm trying to sample pcm-data via the ALSA-project on my RaspberryPi 4 in c. Recording things works like a charm, but tampering with the samples themselves leav

How do I check which rows of one small array exists in another larger one?

How do I check which rows of one small array exists in another larger one? Given the following setup: final_batch = np.emtpy((batch_size,2)) batch_size = 4 a =

Binning 2D data with circles instead of rectangles - from pandas df

I have a dataframe of x, y data and need to bin it into circles. Ie a grid of circles of certain size and spacing centered on some point. So for example some da

STM32 Multi-Channel ADC. Unexpected behaviour when unpopulated

I have added ADC functionality to my Nucleo-F446RE development board. 4 channels, DMA enabled, scan and continuous conversion mode enabled, DMA continuous reque

Pandas: Sampling from a DataFrame according to a target distribution

I have a Pandas DataFrame containing a dataset D of instances which all have some continuous value x. x is distributed in a certain way, say uniform, could be a