Category "scrollview"

How to preserve scroll-chain on overflow scrollable element on mobile?

I have this fixed height scrollable ul element which is for a video playlist. Scrolling works fine but when the user scrolls thru all the content they get stuck

SwiftUI - Detect when ScrollView has finished scrolling?

I need to find out the exact moment when my ScrollView stops moving. Is that possible with SwiftUI? Here would be an equivalent for UIScrollView. I have no idea

Circle/wheel ScrollView in Flutter

I'm having a hard time finding a widget I need in Flutter, which I thought wouldn't be that rare. What I'm looking fore is something very similar to this: Whic

SwiftUI: Make ScrollView scrollable only if it exceeds the height of the screen

Currently I have a view that looks like this. struct StatsView: View { var body: some View { ScrollView { Text("Test1") Tex

Bottom Navigation bar moves up with keyboard

I am using scroll view in a fragment but the screen does not scroll up when the keyboard is shown as it should be. Here is the scenario: I have mainActivity wh

SwiftUI Emoji Keyboard hidden with ScrollView

When I try below code and show Emoji keyboard, keyboard will hide with Emoji keyboard horizontal scroll. I applied "keyboardDismissMode" to make keyboard hide w

ScrollView too long therefore produce white borders

I'm still working on my android application and I still struggle with XML ans scroll views. I want to display an AlertDialog which contains: A JPEG image a the

Last Image is being cropped, when using ScrollView in react-native

I am trying to build something like instagram posts, that is continuous images that can be scrolled. But the last image is being cropped, that is only the upper

How to use horizontal weight meter in react native

I'm making a react native app now. I need to use a horizontal weight scrollbar in the app like the image which I attached. When a user scrolls the horizontal sc

ScrollView contentOffset reset after pushViewController

I'm experiencing a problem with ScrollView, my scrollView has 640 of width, from 0 to 320 it's a mapView, from 320 to 640 it's a tableView. I have a segmentedBu

SwiftUI - fade out a ScrollView

I have a generated, oversized chart, which I put into a ScrollView so that the user can scroll to the right and see all values. I would like to indicate to the

SwiftUI - fade out a ScrollView

I have a generated, oversized chart, which I put into a ScrollView so that the user can scroll to the right and see all values. I would like to indicate to the

ScrollView clips Touchable Opacity with absolute positioning

I am new to React Native with my first project. Currently I am dealing with a problem that my KeyboardAvoidingScrollView clips TouchableOpacity that is being tr