Category "search"

What is the fastest way to check if any files in a directory tree have changed?

Currently I'm checking against an XOR Checksum of the modified file time (st_mtime from fstat) for every file in the tree. I'm coupling this with the number of

Fuzzy Searching with Mongodb?

I have managed to set up a search feature in my mongodb app. See the code below. This works very well however it only returns exact results. How would I change

In VS Code file searching, can I expand (or collapse) all results?

In the Search pane of the program, after I hit Enter, all files are listed, with some expanded to show results in a file, and others collapsed. I'm wondering fi

Need a direct way of implementing Azure spring data cosmos db query implementation for a nested parameter

Say for example an object in cosmosDb looks like this:- {   att1: val1,   att2: val2,   att3: {   att4: val4,   att5: val5  

Conditions (like "like") on binary field (blob) in oracle

How can I search in (put condition on) blob field in oracle, like text fields? I need someting like: select * from table_name where blob_field like '%00ff00ff

PHP to search within txt file and echo the whole line

Using php, I'm trying to create a script which will search within a text file and grab that entire line and echo it. I have a text file (.txt) titled "numorder

How to use regular expressions do reverse search?

For example: My string is: 123456789 nn nn oo nn nn mlm nn203. My target is: nn. Then, I match string from the end to the beginning and return the first ma