Category "security"

Modsecurity & Apache: How to limit access rate by header?

I have both Apache and Modsecurity working together. I'm trying to limit hit rate by request's header (like "facebookexternalhit"). And then return a friendly "

add namespace to the SignedInfo node when signing an XML document

I am signing an XML document and everything works correctly, but they are rejecting the document because they tell me that the SignedInfo node does not contain

Find the owner of an AWS Access Key

I have a service which uses an AWS Access Key to push stuff to S3. I am going to sunset the service and I have the AWS Access Key and Secret. However, I can't

Packaging Java application with BouncyCastle in a single JAR

Is it possible to package a Java app using BouncyCastle as security provider in a single JAR ? PS: I expect to run the JAR without changing java security prope

is there a yarn alternative for npm audit?

need pinned resolution feature of yarn, but also want to audit with npm audit? Is there a yarn alternative to npm audit? Or, alternately, will pinning resolutio

SAML response and assertion is signed/unsigned?

I have deployed and run spring saml sample successfully. From SAML Response (IdP -> SP) shown below, can it be identified whether: the SAML response is sig

Convert RSA Public Key to PEM Format

I want to convert - RSA Public Key modulus: 9699c3c4406464638d2b30dbed44ddee485b5f9a3d7491434049440d34eb1759376a8bac0e37cee5c18df69acfc60d7252634fd

How to disable DefaultSecurityFilterChain in a Spring Boot app?

In my Spring Boot application, I have: @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { ... @Ove

Fortify file path manipulation solution recommendation

I'm creating a new file as classpath resource. With the following code, there are critical and high level Path Manipulation issues on Fortify. public class A {

How to Prevent Spam Post/Articles in Wordpress?

I have a blog in my website using wordpress and noticed that there are spam posts such as bride, dating and other ads that are not related to my website. I don

How to securely store a user password in java for reuse throughout application

At the start of my Java application, I have the user enter his username and password. These credentials are stored in a ConnectionKey object which is used as th

Is there any difference, if I init AES cipher, with and without IvParameterSpec

I was wondering, is there any difference, if I init AES cipher, with and without IvParameterSpec? With IvParameterSpec SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeyS


I try to reach a WebService provide by a secured site with a TLS 1.2 certificate encrypted that i exported and add in a wallet. First i try to reach the site wi

Are applets dead?

A long time ago I made an applet, when I tried to a open it few days ago in website and it says that there is a security problem and it can not open it. I Goog

Protecting or Licensing a Django Application

I am making a Django application and I am running into an issue. I know Python is interpreted and it would be impossible to completely fight against piracy, how

preventing abuse of API service usage

I am planning on using Laravel in my next web project, for the backend. Using the Laravel's built-in functionality I will build an API service. So my main conce

SSL Java Invalid keystore format

I am testing SSL in java with SSLServerSocket and other classes in the java.ssl package. When I run the following code, I get the exception

Adding nonce value to @Scripts.Render ASP.Net MVC razor pages with NWebSec

I am trying to implement Content-Security-Policy with the NWebSec NuGet package The basic configuration level is working at this moment but trying to add nonce

Authorisation in microservices - how to approach domain object or entity level access control using ACL?

I am currently building microservices based system on java Spring Cloud. Some microservices use PostgreSQL and some of them MongoDB. REST and JMS is used for co

cannot commit or push using egit (guess: issues with secure storage area)

I can commit/push from bash shell using git. However, I cannot commit/push using eclipse/egit. I get pop up error " ssh://[email protected]/home/git/cbm.