Category "security"

The EXECUTE permission is denied on the user-defined table types?

I have a question about User-Defined Table Types in SQL Server 2008. For the need of one of the ASP.NET application we defined our own table-types on SQL Serve

Send Public key(generated as seckeyref in iPhone) to server(in Java)

I need to send my public key that has been generated by SecKeyGeneratePair as a SecKeyRef object. Now, to send this, i need this KeyRef object to be in a strin

How to access HttpContext and Request in RequireAssersion?

I'm trying to create a custom authorization policy. Let's say I want the URL to contain a token. For example:

SSL certificate error for IE users only

I recently migrated to a new server (CentOS with plesk 11.0) and installed a new SSL certificate for my domain. Problem now is that any IE user has the error

Disable SSLHandshakeException for a single connection

I'm looking for a solution similar to this answer, but much safer. I'd like to disable the certificate validation, but for a single request only (which is all I

Getting error "403 - Forbidden: Access is denied" on browser when user is NOT administrator

We have an intranet web application ( that was working fine on Windows Server 2008, we recently migrated to Windows Server 2019 and it works fine in

protect images on webpage from being copied/saved?

i'm running a niche website for a very conservative group and one request they have is that we need to make it as difficult as possible for users to save images

How to show or hide contents of an aspx page based on current user's roles

I have an ASP.NET site where each page has some contents on it and each log-in user has some specific roles. I want to hide and show the contents of the page ba

Secure cookies flag always getting lost in first session after resetting IIS

Looking for solution for ASP.NET_SessionId should always be secure flag true when request is from secure connection. Below Steps are done to achieve - Created M