Category "segmentation-fault"

Segmentation Fault - unordered_map(tarjan's algorithm)

I have implemented Tarjan's algorithm to find strongly connected component in a graph and getting Segmentation fault for some large input. #include <iostream

I'm new to C and am stuck with many issues, I have fixed them but I wonder if there are better ways

I'm new to C just coming out of my second university class that explained structs and string functions. I tried running the code we had written in the lesson an

How to fix "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" when creating new dotnet project?

I am following When I try to create a project, I get the following: oskar@oskarslaptop:~/P

Weird segfault in 3rd party

I have a video player program with all C++ code, when I ran it for about half a minute, it segfault. What confuses me is: everytime it segfaults for different r

AddressSanitizer:DEADLYSIGNAL error when trying to run code using stack for valid parenthesis problem set

I was trying this problem called valid parenthesis on when an error popped up saying this: AddressSanitizer:DEADLYSIGNAL ==========================

Find place that causes segmentation fault without IDE

I'm studying one project in C++. It's quite big, build is created with cmake. After installing all dependencies and libs it's the build is done fine. But when I

QMediaPlayer and Segmentation Fault

Hello Guys i used just this simple example to play music with this code: QMediaPlayer *mediaPlayer { new QMediaPlayer }; mediaPlayer->setMedia(QUrl(currentMe

PyCharm has failed to load the environment from '/bin/zsh'

I wrote a program about a month ago, and it worked fine. I haven't touched it since than, until today. All of a sudden, I get the warning when opening Pycharm:

Segmentation fault (core dumped) on ubunto WSL

I am trying to access the core dumped file to start debugging but it never shows. I tried many solutions such as: Giving it a size ulimit -c unlimited making t

configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs

I'm trying to install different software onto my Raspberry Pi with Debian Wheezy OS. When I run try to configure software I'm trying to install I get this outpu