Category "selenium"

Unable to click Sign in button of Microsoft Login in C# Selenium

Trying to click Sign In button but getting "Stale element Exception error". IWebElement email = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[contains(@name,'loginfmt')]"))

Selenium / C# Challenge / Threaded / Multiple drivers for each tab on the same browser opened by Selenium

As a preamble: I have an Excel-VBA workbook which can open an IE browser, login to a website with username,password, set up half a dozen webpages in tabs, and i

python selenium xpath loop skips random elements

I was trying to select all the 264 Recipients from the second form on this website and I used the code below: s = Service('./chromedriver.exe') driver = webdriv

Chromedriver Selenium getting 'Connection Reset' when versions match

I am using chromedriver but am sometimes getting the following errors: 03:34:09.188 [AsyncHttpClient-1-2] WARN org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.WebSocket - Conne

How to solve an explicit wait which isn't waiting long enough selenium python

I'm trying to program a sequence of events which are dependent on the last in selenium. First click login which loads a new page, then click a scrollbox on that

How to run a 2 Jenkins slaves simultaneously with only one trigger from the job of master

I have a selenium automation project with Maven and I am currently using XML files to run the batches of test cases locally. Now I have a requirement to run the

Upgrade to Selenium 4 - The type or namespace name 'ChromeMobileEmulationDeviceSettings' could not be found

I'm upgrading a C# program that was using Selenium 3. After updating Selenium to version 4, I get this error The type or namespace name 'ChromeMobileEmulation

python selenium scraping a betting site

I recently started coding a program with python selenium. The goal of the project is to calculate arbitrage possibilitys between two sport bookies (but that doe

Selenium headless chrome with proxy authentication

I'm working on automation of Headless Chrome WebDriver ( using Selenium (4.1.0) and C# (.Net 5.0/Console application). I want to add Proxy Authen

I need to make a random selection of two arguments with a percentage

I need to make a random selection of two arguments with a percentage For example, variable a(like) has a 82.5% chance of falling out, and variable b(dislike) ha

Selenium : googlemap markers dont appear in my xpath elements?

I would like to scrape some informations from a googlemap applet. The page is here : You can click

How can I mute the browser/tab in selenium using the geckodriver

I'm trying to mute the browser/tab in selenium since headless mode doesnt mute sounds, I've searched but all I could find was chrome solutions and they didn't w

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'split' pandas

Please, I know there are several issues related to this error of mine, but I'm learning, I don't understand almost anything, so please, if it's not asking too m

How to check if an element is not displayed in selenium python

How could I check to see if an element is not displayed. I would think it looks something like this. if(element.is_not_displayed): doSomething() else do

How can we monitor the data for test execution on different nodes in a distributed execution on Selenium grid setup on local VMs?

I need some help on the below query: Currently we are using local VMs for Selenium grid execution. (Migration is happening from Selenium 3 to 4 but currently Do

How to wrap the return of @FindBy into another class

The usage of the annotation @FindBy of selenium is: @FindBy(xpath='//xpath/selector') private WebElement element; public void setText(String te

Object created for another class opening as new web driver window

public class ListPage extends BaseTest {private ListPageManage Object; private Test Object1; public void getList() throws InterruptedException { this.Obje

selenium/standalone-chrome with selenium 4.0.0 return DNS ERROR

Configuration: Python 3.10/selenium 3.141.0/selenium/standalone-chrome:latest WORKS! but when I change just selenium version to 4.0.0: Configuration: Python 3

how to use selenium on web apps built with gradio?

I am trying to click a button on selenium on a web app built using selenium. But ending up with error "element not found". I want to click the submit button usi

headless chrome on docker M1 error - unable to discover open window in chrome

I'm currently trying to run headless chrome with selenium on m1 mac host / amd64 ubuntu container. Because arm ubuntu does not support google-chrome-stable pack