Category "session"

NextJS and NextAuth session user object getting lost due to [...nextauth.ts] getting triggered to be recompiled

I am learning NextJS and NextAuth and have implemented a Credentials sign in with my own login page and it is working where the session object contains my user

Does session remains/gets closed when webview is closed in React Native app?

In a React Native application, when webview is called I would like to save some data in the webview's server session. I would like to know if I close the webvie

Remote Desktop - getting session information (id, session name, etc.) from client side

Let's consider the following scenario: take a Windows Server instance (2012 or newer), with multiple user accounts. Each of those accounts needs to run an indiv

Storing Objects assigned to user while using Flask [duplicate]

I come here to ask you a question about the way session can handle Objects in Flask. I have a Flask application and I want all my users to hav

alternative for alter session set week_start in snowflake

I need to set week start from sunday as default in snowflake i used alter session set WEEK_START = 7; when querying in snowflake worksheet it works fine but wh

open(/var/lib/php/session/...sesionid, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13)

I am running my website on using ec2 nginx. I have done a update on the instance and now I getting this error when the site loads. open(/var/lib/php/session/ses

Having problems with sessions not allowing flow from isset to isset in same page

I have a page titled "test.php" When I remove all session statements it works fine. However I wish to create session for security purposes (cannot get in witho

Losing session data after POST from third party website

I have a Laravel site that redirects to a payment provider (external third party website). When the user completes their payment, they are redirected back to my

mongo-connect error with mongo-connect(session)

After searching around about it, I can't find any solution or mistake in my code about this error. I've got my app.js files inside my node JS application with t

Laravel reuse session on subdomain

Let's say, I created 2 server and 4 sub domains. and route to first server. and route to seco

Is there an equivalent of DynamoDB on Azure as a PHP session Handler

Is there a equivalent of DynamoDB on Azure as a PHP session Handler? I found some very old articles online suggesting to use Azure Table Storage but it doesn't

how can I set a session variable in Drupal 8 and get it in a php script?

I'm working in a custom module for drupal 8. I have a form and I'm trying to send by means of a submit button some data from my custom module to another php scr

Using PHP Sessions for High Traffic with AJAX and CodeIgniter

I was reading the CodeIgniter 3 documentation on using sessions and high traffic with AJAX, and it recommends using session_write_close(). My application has fu

How long is session stored in express-session on server?

I have used ExpressJS with express-session for Session Management. According to its NPM page, we can add a maxAge and cookies.expires. But, both of these manage

Reset Symfony session lifetime/timeout on user activity

How do I reset the time of the Symfony session as long as there is activity of the user logged into the application. in config.yml: cookie_lifetime: 3600 # 1

Two sessions and two different lifetime in Laravel

If change Laravel lifetime sessions in .env file it works for all sessions. How can I determine the lifetimes of every session separately?

How to access Session in PHPUnit WebTestCase (Symfony 5)

I'm trying to test methods which requires Sessions in my PHPUnit WebTestCase, with no success. PHP 8.0, Symfony 5.4 Here's my code: When user log-in, I'm saving

Property `user` does not exist on type `Session & Partial<SessionData>`

I had a code in javascript and I'm trying to convert it to typescript route.get('/order', async(req,res) => { var sessionData = req.session; if(typ

Using PHP sessions to open new android activity

I have created the following PHP in order to check if some username already exists inside a database. If it exists and the username+password is correct, I had

Microsoft SQL Server Create a session specific synonym

I am working on a database that hold specific session data in separate tables for each session. e.g. I'd have a table called ProductsABCD, which holds products