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Trying to read __version__ with setuptools ( results in FileNotFoundError during build

EDIT: See answer below for explanation of my mistake, and the solution. I was trying to follow the instructions in @dnozay's answer on how to read __version__ i

Difference between extras_require() and install_requires() in

I am trying to understand the difference between extras_require() and install_requires() in but couldn't get it. Both are used for installing Python de

Python 3: ImportError "No Module named Setuptools"

I'm having troubles with installing packages in Python 3. I have always installed packages with install. But now, when I try to install the ansicolors

Install modules with and setup.cfg

I have the following directory structure: /modules/ /modules/ /modules/setup.cfg /modules/module1/ /modules/module1/ /modules/module1/tool1