Category "sharepoint-online"

How to have dynamic columns (like for weeks w1, w2, w3...) to contain number value as score in Sharepoint list

See attached spreadsheet screenshot. How to incorporate dynamic / ever increasing columns with custom labels such as W1, W2, W3 to contain number value (score 0

Error on items.add in pnpjs after 30minutes

I´m using "@pnp/sp": "^3.0.3", I have this code const sp = spfi().using(SPFx(props.context)); const item = { Title: mail, URL: { Url: url.trim()

Uploaded Image to Sharepoint using Graph API contains no Content (.NET)

I alreadey use the following method to upload files (docx, xlsx) to our sharepoint. Now i'm trying to upload images (png, jpg) to the same library. I don't get

update status value in sharepoint list using power automate

I have two fields named as Status and Approved. In my form when approver selects the option either approved or reject, the result will get save in the approved

Add-PnPEventReceiver only works fully when -UseWebLogin parameter is used

I'm using PnP Powershell to add an Event Receiver to a document library. The Event Receiver points to an Azure function. Below is code that I wrote in a local

Sharepoint online Flow how to create a sharepoint List

I would like to dynamically create a list using Flow in SharePoint online. I don't see that there is an option to create a new list only new item or new file. D

Save SharePoint list data from root site to subsite list

Is it possible to save newly created item from list one from the root site to the same list in the other sub site? Currently we are implementing country specifi

Sharepoint Online/365 - Remove 'View Entries' from list view for multi append column and show entries

I am really struggling to find a workable solution to this for Sharepoint Online/365. Desired end result - Sharepoint list - View all items - Columns which ar

How to Capture Full page screenshot of using selenium WebDriver

I have created a Selenium Full page screenshot test for Responsive tests using selenium. But if I am going to run against the SharePoint Site then it's not taki

is it possible that sharepoint column formatting call multiple actions?

I am learning SharePoint column formatting custom action.

Reactjs : Failed to load module script: WIth MIME type "application/octet-stream" for sharepoint webpart

I'm using reactjs project for use as a webpart for the sharepoint project. But when i deploy the build project. It give me below error. Failed to load module s

Microsoft Graph API using filter on get sharepoint lists

I'm trying to filter on the sharepoint lists, but the semantics seems to be different to the default semantics. What I already tried was (with $ and without;

How to provision Publishing Pages in SharePoint Online using PnP Provisioning Engine?

I am using PnP Provisioning Engine for remote provisioning of one site collection to another site collection in SharePoint Online as shown in this video: https:

How to get item ID of the last modified item in the SharePoint online list using pnp powershell?

I am able to get the date of the last modified item in the list using the script below: $SiteURL="" $ListName="Document

Add attachment by url to Outlook mail

The context There is a button on the homepage of each document set in a document library on a SharePoint Online environment. When the button is clicked, an Out

Unable to connect and get Sharepoint data from C# .Net Core App

While using pnp.Framework in .Net 6 environment. I need authenticated client context to get Sharepoint Data but facing 403forbidden while running context.Execut