Category "shell"

Create folder tree from text file, folder names can contain spaces

I have a text file and I need to create the folder tree with a for loop in a script. Here's the text file I need to use. Animals.txt Animals Animals/Cats Animal

How are strings with multiple kinds of quotes interpreted in bash?

To give context, I'm trying to create a simple version of bash, and for that I need to mimic the way bash parses content with multiple sets of single and double

How can i Change tab item Content on Xamarin forms shell

I need to change one of my tabs' content depending on the condition of the user logged in or just a guest this is my shell <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-

How to execute a shell script and continue typing?

I'm trying to execute a shell script that ssh's into a jump server, enter a password and then be able to enter commands or ssh into another server. The issue is

Shell using path pulled from cell in workbook using VBA

My code runs a model in R directly from Excel. I want to simplify installation so instead of: path = """C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.1\bin\Rscript.exe"" C:\Users\di

How here document works in shell

While doing the input redirection, the shell opens the file on the right side of '<' with file descriptor 0, but in the case of the heredoc there is no such

How to combine multiple commands output in the one varialble in shell script?

I'm using the following script to get the data of one of the variables from the database file #!/bin/bash sqlite3 pdu.db <<'END_SQL' .timeout 2000 SELECT

BASH : control exits CASE logic after entering any condition - Unable to understand the reason

I have an input file, which has below data : driver2:y driver5:y driver3:n driver1:y driver4:y The requirement is, for each driver if the value is "y" then the

Overcome Windows 7 shell MAX_PATH limit

If context menu key that launches some executable exists in Windows registry and the "%1" command line patrameter place holder is mentioned, the path this execu

Reading arguments from a text file using <

I have a txt file called test.txt that looks like this, hi this is a test and I have a c++ file called selection_sort.cpp that looks like this, #include <io

How to make a pipe conditional within the same line

textfolding="ON" echo "some text blah balh test foo" if [[ "$textfolding" == "ON" ]]; then | fold -s -w "$fold_width" | sed -e "s|^|\t|g"; fi The above code w

How to create and assign a variable name with special character in bash

Sorry if this question is repeated. how can I create a variable a.b and assign a value to it. ---------- root@IN2268980W3:# a=1 root@IN2268980W3:# a.b=1 a.b=1:

Modify xml shared_prefs file using adb

I am trying to interact with android app shared_prefs using adb. Let's use VLC for this example. The shared preferences are stored in: /data/data/org.videolan.v

Check log file for error only for last 10 mins

I've a log file with below text, [2022-05-05T22:25:58,523] Text/debug data I want to fetch log data for errors in only last 10 mins to configure in cron. How t

bash oneliner search for files and dump name and content into new file

as title says I need to write a bash oneliner that finds all txt files and, for each, writes name and content into another file. So far I wrote: find . -name "*

Reading command output with Paramiko invoke_shell/send/recv never finishes

I am trying to use send/recv function in Paramiko. According to what I see, the line throws an exception of timeout Evaluating: did not f

syntax error near unexpected token in jupyter terminal

I write a r script below and want to run it in jupyter terminal. But it shows error: ./Rda_to_csv.r: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `(' ./Rda_to_csv

how to run powershell command from nushell

After installing nushell ( in my windows environment, I want to use the power of nushell in conjunction with powershell. For example, I

On Windows why does "poetry shell" remove/lose shell history features?

In the Windows default command shell (cmd.exe) you can access the history of typed commands using various controls (up arrow for most recent command etc). When

shell-command never returns in emacs lisp

I am trying to write a function to send the clipped image in windows host to my Ubuntu WSL2 (defun win2wsl-clipped-image() "use powershell to save the