When I run the following app.R file everything works perfectly. library(shinydashboard) ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),
This one has me puzzled. The below code extract uses selectizeInput() to allow the user to choose to/from periods for purposes of data analysis (latter not show
I am currently trying to limit my selection in a DataTable in Shiny to just two rows - I want the table to not allow the user to click on more than rows (but al
I am trying to use the write.table() function, within Shiny downloadHandler(), to download the df reactive dataframe as a .csv file, per the reproducible code a
My shiny app generates a number of useful graphs. I would like to allow the user to download the graphs in various formats. I have done this before for a single
Am I doing something wrong, or why does the below example not work? I am trying to make leaflet markercluster plugin work with leafletProxy() in an R Shiny app,
I'm trying to click on a category in a pie chart built with highcharts and use the category to filter data in a line chart in R shiny app.
I have written an app, which I can deploy on shinyapps.io with no problem from my old laptop with Windows 10, R version 4.1.0. When I try to deploy the exact sa
I am using R, RStudio and the leaflet package to visualise a map. I would like to get the the min and max lat-longs of of the bounding box of a leaflet object.
I am pretty new to Shiny (and R) and struggling with exporting the plot I make in Shiny to a png-file. I looked at these two threads but could not figure it o
I try to run shiny server from terminal in Ubuntu but I receive this error: nik@nik-VirtualBox:~$ shiny-server [2017-02-13 10:42:28.353] [INFO] shiny-server -
I have a lot of googlesheets that i write in and out from using R. We are merging our sheets into Office online(365). How can i connect to the online microsoft
I tried the follow code: shinyUI( fluidPage( tags$video(id="video2", type = "video/mp4",src = "sample.mp4", controls = "controls") ) ) shinyServer(fu
My code looks like below where user can select location from sidebarpanel and based on user selection data is displayed in mainpanel. Next, I would like to dyna
I'm trying to put a link on my "home" tabPanel to all others tabPanels of my app. The idea is as follows: ui = navbarPage("", tabPanel("home",