Category "shiny"

Shinydashboard isn't rendering the UI properly on AWS Shiny-Server

When I run the following app.R file everything works perfectly. library(shinydashboard) ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),

Why does this selectizeInput minimum values function not work correctly for 2 digit numbers even though it works fine for single digit numbers?

This one has me puzzled. The below code extract uses selectizeInput() to allow the user to choose to/from periods for purposes of data analysis (latter not show

Limit row selection in DT Table in Shiny

I am currently trying to limit my selection in a DataTable in Shiny to just two rows - I want the table to not allow the user to click on more than rows (but al

How to use write.table to download a dataframe into a nice csv/Excel file?

I am trying to use the write.table() function, within Shiny downloadHandler(), to download the df reactive dataframe as a .csv file, per the reproducible code a

Is it possible to have one function to download various ggplot plots?

My shiny app generates a number of useful graphs. I would like to allow the user to download the graphs in various formats. I have done this before for a single

Does markercluster work together with leafletProxy() and option iconCreateFunction?

Am I doing something wrong, or why does the below example not work? I am trying to make leaflet markercluster plugin work with leafletProxy() in an R Shiny app,

Highcharter - Clickable Pie Chart - How to get the category name from the slice clicked on a Pie Chart in Shiny?

I'm trying to click on a category in a pie chart built with highcharts and use the category to filter data in a line chart in R shiny app.

RShiny Deployment, CMake issue

I have written an app, which I can deploy on with no problem from my old laptop with Windows 10, R version 4.1.0. When I try to deploy the exact sa

Getting bounding box from leaflet in R

I am using R, RStudio and the leaflet package to visualise a map. I would like to get the the min and max lat-longs of of the bounding box of a leaflet object.

Downloading png from Shiny (R)

I am pretty new to Shiny (and R) and struggling with exporting the plot I make in Shiny to a png-file. I looked at these two threads but could not figure it o

Error running shiny-server

I try to run shiny server from terminal in Ubuntu but I receive this error: nik@nik-VirtualBox:~$ shiny-server [2017-02-13 10:42:28.353] [INFO] shiny-server -

How to connect RStudio using Shiny to Microsoft 365

I have a lot of googlesheets that i write in and out from using R. We are merging our sheets into Office online(365). How can i connect to the online microsoft

How to play local video in shiny app?(Windows)

I tried the follow code: shinyUI( fluidPage( tags$video(id="video2", type = "video/mp4",src = "sample.mp4", controls = "controls") ) ) shinyServer(fu

How to reactively change title of ShinyDashboard box in R?

My code looks like below where user can select location from sidebarpanel and based on user selection data is displayed in mainpanel. Next, I would like to dyna

[Shiny]: Add link to another tabPanel in another tabPanel

I'm trying to put a link on my "home" tabPanel to all others tabPanels of my app. The idea is as follows: ui = navbarPage("", tabPanel("home",