Category "telethon"

Scraping users from Telegram failed

I trying to run below python program to scrape the member however i encounter error below.can anyone pls advise what wrong with code or due to bug? Traceback (

Telegram Message Listener - RuntimeError: Event Loop is closed

I want to receive new messages from Telegram via a python script. I filter the message and then put out the result. But there is something wrong with the loop s

aiogram Why code has expired for different users with the same api_i and api_hash?

I working on python telegram bot that allow login telegram client using registered user and then do some actions using user credentials ... ... But I got the fo

How Can I download media by Telethon Full API

I am trying to download media using the following code. He writes me "File saved to None". There is definitely media in the message. from telethon import Telegr

Joining voice call without joining group using telethon, pytgcalls

Is it possible to join a voice call in a group, without joining the group? In Telegram client you can do it, but I couldn't figure out how to do it using teleth

MessageMediaUnsupported() instead of MessageMediaPoll() type when using Telethon

When I receive a message, my client waits until he receives a message that has media type = MessageMediaPoll(), it worked, but the bot has been updated and now

MessageMediaUnsupported() instead of MessageMediaPoll() type when using Telethon

When I receive a message, my client waits until he receives a message that has media type = MessageMediaPoll(), it worked, but the bot has been updated and now

How to send message followed by start to a bot by link using telethon?

I want to interact with a bot which takes chat id and message id and replies based on the message of that chat id. Usually I interact with the bot in a group ch

telethon forward messages without a specific word

I am using a telegram bot that forwards messages from a certain channel to any other channel I am on, but I want it to forward these messages without a word, fo

Limits to Telegram API get_entity requests

my app listen requests with telegram messages URL inside and process messages in loop: get entity for group search +/- 2 messages from target message get entity

how to convert telethon object to valid JSON in python

I using telethon package, for connecting and getting data from telegram. I want to convert Message object to valid JSON. for example, I get this object from the

send a poll in telethon telegram bot

How can i send a poll? I am trying the following code but it returns no error and the poll is not sent: from typing import Optional from telethon.sync import T