Category "signals"

TradingView alerts: how to setup a delay?

I'm reading a lot about it but can't find a way. I have a strategy doing like strategy.close("SELL", alert_message=closeShort_msg) strategy.entry("BUY", etc. A

Why does subprocess stdout only produce one line when the process is killed with os.kill()?

I have a piece of code that opens a subprocess and writes the output to a file: logPath = '/path/to/some/directory/' log = open(logPath + 'log', 'a') guipid

How can kill all the processes triggered by hotkey with some smart way?

I want to kill a process and its son process with trap command: vim trap "kill $$" EXIT sleep 10000 Now run it in background: debian@debian:~$ b

How to get alternating trading signals?

I am trying to develop a simple RSI strategy by using this code. As you can see by plotting the code, there are too many consecutive sell signals. I'd like ther

Implementation of scipy.signla.filtfilt in c++? [closed]

I am trying to implement scipy.signal.filtfilt function in c++ and I am wondering if there is already an implementation available of this?

Is std::condition_variable::notify_one reentrant?

Can I safely execute following code? Is it possible to have deadlock here or some unexpected behaviour, especially when SIGINT arrives? #include <atomic>

Terminate sudo python script when the terminal closes

How can I tell if the terminal running my python script was closed? I want to safely end my python script if the user closes the terminal. I can catch SIGHUP wi

why Ctrl-c in gdb terminal dose not send STOP signal to gdb process

To break loop in gdb we need to Ctrl -c in gdb terminal , but some time Ctrl-c not working, is there a way to break the loop? ( excepted sending SIGSTOP or S

^U does not kill despite stty claims

problem: ctrl+U will not kill my terminal program. details: Here are my results from ssty --all: speed 38400 baud; rows 24; columns 80; line = 0; intr =

Programmatically create and listen for multiple signals and a ticking interval with tokio

I'm trying to programmatically listen to multiple signals and a ticking interval. To clear things up, here is the code I have currently: use std::time::Duration

django temporarily disable signals

I have a signal callback in django: @receiver(post_save, sender=MediumCategory) def update_category_descendants(sender, **kwargs): def children_for(cat

c++ QPushButton signal and slot

I have a problem creating a QPushButton and linking its signal to my slots. First, I created a class with the slot: class A : public QWidget{ public slots: