Category "slack"

How to access Slackbot custom responses via slack API?

Slack provides wonderful slackbot custom responses. Is there any way to access these "when people say" and "slack bot response" data via slack API? Also is it p

API to get guests expiration date in Slack

Slack displays the expiration date for guests in the profile view (if set). But which API is used for that? I only found an API to change the value https://api.

Does slack have a method for triggering a command?

I built a slackbot for my startup. I would like to trigger things like /poll. Using client.chat_postMessage posts rather as plain text without triggering the co

Slack bot can't send a message to a channel with - or space like "channel-name"

my slack bot can't send a message to a channel with space or - like "channel-name" but works well for a one word channel. $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_

How to get the all the channels in Slack workspace with conversation.list API?

When I paginate through next_cursor, I get a different number of channels every time I hit the URL through NodeJS function. Once the total channels fetched is

create custom slash command in slack using @botname instead of /botname

I tried to create a slack application using the link, its working as /botname str. is there any way that we could invoke application in slack using @botname str

slack files & url with headers

I'm building a slack bot (python/slack-bolt). Trying to share a private image within the app home tab. The home tab is genereted using client.views_publish. {

Is it possible to call external web APIs from Slack?

I want to pull some metrics daily posted in my slack channel. these metrics are located in my personal server, and to pull them via rest API a basic authenticat

Slack API users.list doesn't return all users

The following api to get all users in a workspace doesn't return all users. I thought may be its a limit thing but nope

Can I disable Slackbot without kicking it from channel

I am frustrated with Slackbot's app suggestions. The most irritating part is that it keeps suggesting me apps even though it knows (it suppose to know) that I c

Is there a way to produce an alert when an IIS site goes down using Prometheus?

I have a few IIS sites I would like to monitor using Prometheus. Specifically monitor and alert on outages. I cannot figure out how to grab a metric when a site

Slack API: Retrieve all member emails from a slack channel

Given the name of a slack channel, is there a way to retrieve a list of emails of all the members in that channel? I tried looking in the slack api docs but cou

How to import SlackWebHookOperator in Airflow?

I want to integrate Slack alert messages when a task fail in Airflow with SlackWebHookOperator. I have issue with the import of the operator. In this tutorial