I npm installed everything, yet only web3 is not working? Is this a bug or is there an alternative to this solution? import React,{useEffect, useState}from 're
I Need to Write a Smart Contract, In This Smart Contract User Can Send Token to Each Account in ERC-20 Network. sender :0x5C2879Ec550e2F65D557b540B7DEAB3A6d478d
Suppose I have a contract ... pub struct Contract { collection_a: Vector<String>, } After I deploy this version, when I change the data structure of my
Here is my use case I have a smart contract that emit an event . I am new to chainlink , so my question if someone know how I can track that event history with
I just wrote smart contract function with fire event like this. And create my node.js application with following code. const express = require('express') cons
I'm on a course and have run into a problem. I am trying to make a function that shows the difference in team score from the perspective of the team in the vari
Macbook Pro : Monterey Intel Core i7 Brownie v1.17.2 I am learning solidity according to reference(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M576WGiDBdQ&t=25510s). Wh
I'm struggling with the trasferFrom method of my standad ERC20 contract. I'm working with web3.js and INFURA I have wallet1 with 50 token allowance, now if I ca
I have been written a smart contract, I am trying to execute the following code but I have these problems: 1- "Gas requirement of function EKM.register_PK is in
When I run the command yarn build:release i get the error "command not found: asb" enter image description here
I want to connect a Solana wallet (phantom or any other) to a web aplication through the js web3 library. I've read docs for most wallets and it seems like it's
I want to automate my staking on The Sandbox. For that I need in the first step to interact with the mSand-Matic Pool Contract. It is this one: https://polygons
My environment is : Python 3.9.9 Pytest 6.2.5 Brownie 1.17.1 I'm working on the test_fund_me.py from Patrick Collins' Smart Contract tutorial on Youtube; at thi
I am new to smart contracts and I am working on an Eth Rinkeby dapp and was wondering if anyone can tell me what the "16" means in this section: } network =
I have two smart contracts that I want to deploy. I want to deploy the first one, then pass the address of the first into the constructor of the second one. I a
I have a security problem in my Solidity contracts and I can't figure out how to fix it. The flow goes like this: First, we create an instance of contract A; Cr
use anchor_lang::prelude::*; declare_id!("Fg6PaFpoGXkYsidMpWTK6W2BeZ7FEfcYkg476zPFsLnS"); #[program] pub mod myepicproject { use super::*; pub fn start_st
I forked a contract, it is a Baked Beans fork on MATIC, I deployed the contract through Remix, now when I try to deposit through my website script, Metamask say
I am trying to send ETH to a contract function from a web app via metamask and ethers.js. So far I have tried: const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provide
i have the abi json file for a contract and i want to use its functions in my smart contract. is there any way to do it? for example i have a contractA.sol and