Category "eventemitter"

Handle event emitter messages sequentially

myEmitter.on('data', handleData). How can I have handleData invoked sequentially and not in parallel ? For example: n data messages arrive grouped very close

How to solve the data loss issue in Event Emitters in NodeJS? MicroServices

Below code is just for testing purpose , if it works then i want to implement the same in real project with microservices. I have 4 microservices in one server.

How to do something after sending a response in Express.js?

I'm developing a web app, which user could post a thread, 2 steps for this: one is to save the thread to thread collection, one is to save the threadID to user

How can I assign a TypeScript type for event payloads for a class like EventEmitter?

I have a class that is just like Node's EventEmitter (it could even be the same class). How do I type it in such a way that I can specify what the callback typ