Category "sonarqube"

org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing

my Software version sonarqube 7.0 maven: 3.6.3 jdk: 17 sonar-maven-plugin: when I run mvn --batch-mode clean verify org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:so

SONARQUBE: how estract, via API, lines of code for each project

I've seen that I can found the line of code for a project on my SONAR instance using this command http://<my_sonar_instance_url>/api/measures/component?co

SonarQube Docker Installation CorruptIndexException: checksum failed

I'm trying to create docker container with SonarQube inside it, but I get this error while composing for the first time: Caused by: java.util.concurrent.Executi

SONAR_HOST_URL not reachable in bitbucket pipeline sonarqube

I am trying to integrate the sonarqube to bitbucket pipeline, and have following code there - pipe: sonarsource/sonarqube-scan:1.0.0 variables:

Associate a valid label to this input field sonarqube

Sonarqube found a bug in this line of code: <div class="dropdown-language"> <label>{{'GENERALE.LINGUA' | translate }}</label>

Disable rule for Sonar C#

I’d like to disable certain rules for Sonar C# for my Codacy project. According to the SonarQube docs, I have to create an .editorconfig file, so I did: [

Azure devops build pipeline faild error MSB4062: The "IsTestFileByName" task could not be loaded from the assembly SonarQube.Integration.Tasks.dll

I am running a build pipeline with sonat tasks but when it arrives to the build task it fails and i got the following error : Here 'is my azure pipeline file:

How to set up SonarQube code duplication by folder or group of projects and not for the whole Solution in a single Azure DevOps repository?

In our product stack, we have an intricate projects structure. There is a main app that is responsible for core functions (routing, auth, etc.) and there are su

SonarQube delegate authentication to GitLab fail [404 not found]

Context: Sonarqube: --> Gitlab: 13.4.3-ee --> What I am trying to achieve: I try to

Azure devops pipeline failure : The remote server returned an error 503

I made a build pipeline in azure devops which contains a sonar Qube tasks , the pipeline works sometimes and sometimes it returns this exception : Failed to re

How to get Unit Test counts in SonarQube for a Scala SBT build

Note: We are executing this as part of CI build in Teamcity Step 1: Getting coverage details addSbtPlugin("org.scoverage" % "sbt-scoverage" % "1.6.1") Step 2: S

How to solve a SonarQube S3267 warning, "Loops should be simplified with "LINQ" expressions"

Consider the following code (which is a simplified version of my actual code): static void Main(string[] args) { string[] data = { "one", "two", "three", "s

how to minimize duplication in the bitbucket pipeline?

see sample script below. somehow resembles how our pipeline looks like but not really obviously. steps: - step: &test-sonar name: test and ana

force maven to use different java version

I have my existing project that uses Java 1.8 My JAVA_HOME is set to Java 1.8 As a result maven is using Java 1.8 , which is fine Now our project has decided to

SonarQube Objective-C rule "Functions should be declared explicitly" Not working

I am using SonarQube for objc and have some problems with the rule "objc:S819 – Functions should be declared explicitly". It seems Sonar does not find the

how to link Spring boot Rest API unit test, integration test, owasp dependency check coverage to sonarqube

I have a new springboot rest api and i want unit test coverage of the api, integration test to reflect in sonarqube. I created a project from spring initalizer

Sonarlint and Intelij: possible to run analysis only for files in a changelist?

I am currently running sonarlint plugin locally in Intelij which works well. I would like to run the plugin only for files that I have in my Changelist - before

How to remove a language/Quality Profile from SonarQube project settings

I can + Add language via the according button but I do not see a way to remove one: This is for v8.7.1 but the same applies for v6.6. My account is in the sona

Unable to validate pom.xml of a mule application in SonarQube

I am using SonarQube to validate artifactId, modelVersion etc in pom.xml file for a mule application.To validate these nodes, I have build some rules in SonarQu

How to solve Sonar error: Unable to load component class org.sonar.scanner.scan.ProjectLock

I have some issues while running Sonar on my netbeans' project. It's not working and i have the following error : C:\Users\remy.fischer\Desktop\NetBeansProject