Category "sonarqube"

SONAR_HOST_URL not reachable in bitbucket pipeline sonarqube

I am trying to integrate the sonarqube to bitbucket pipeline, and have following code there - pipe: sonarsource/sonarqube-scan:1.0.0 variables:

Associate a valid label to this input field sonarqube

Sonarqube found a bug in this line of code: <div class="dropdown-language"> <label>{{'GENERALE.LINGUA' | translate }}</label>

Disable rule for Sonar C#

I’d like to disable certain rules for Sonar C# for my Codacy project. According to the SonarQube docs, I have to create an .editorconfig file, so I did: [

Azure devops build pipeline faild error MSB4062: The "IsTestFileByName" task could not be loaded from the assembly SonarQube.Integration.Tasks.dll

I am running a build pipeline with sonat tasks but when it arrives to the build task it fails and i got the following error : Here 'is my azure pipeline file:

How to set up SonarQube code duplication by folder or group of projects and not for the whole Solution in a single Azure DevOps repository?

In our product stack, we have an intricate projects structure. There is a main app that is responsible for core functions (routing, auth, etc.) and there are su

SonarQube delegate authentication to GitLab fail [404 not found]

Context: Sonarqube: --> Gitlab: 13.4.3-ee --> What I am trying to achieve: I try to

Azure devops pipeline failure : The remote server returned an error 503

I made a build pipeline in azure devops which contains a sonar Qube tasks , the pipeline works sometimes and sometimes it returns this exception : Failed to re

How to get Unit Test counts in SonarQube for a Scala SBT build

Note: We are executing this as part of CI build in Teamcity Step 1: Getting coverage details addSbtPlugin("org.scoverage" % "sbt-scoverage" % "1.6.1") Step 2: S

How to solve a SonarQube S3267 warning, "Loops should be simplified with "LINQ" expressions"

Consider the following code (which is a simplified version of my actual code): static void Main(string[] args) { string[] data = { "one", "two", "three", "s

how to minimize duplication in the bitbucket pipeline?

see sample script below. somehow resembles how our pipeline looks like but not really obviously. steps: - step: &test-sonar name: test and ana

force maven to use different java version

I have my existing project that uses Java 1.8 My JAVA_HOME is set to Java 1.8 As a result maven is using Java 1.8 , which is fine Now our project has decided to

SonarQube Objective-C rule "Functions should be declared explicitly" Not working

I am using SonarQube for objc and have some problems with the rule "objc:S819 – Functions should be declared explicitly". It seems Sonar does not find the

how to link Spring boot Rest API unit test, integration test, owasp dependency check coverage to sonarqube

I have a new springboot rest api and i want unit test coverage of the api, integration test to reflect in sonarqube. I created a project from spring initalizer

Sonarlint and Intelij: possible to run analysis only for files in a changelist?

I am currently running sonarlint plugin locally in Intelij which works well. I would like to run the plugin only for files that I have in my Changelist - before

How to remove a language/Quality Profile from SonarQube project settings

I can + Add language via the according button but I do not see a way to remove one: This is for v8.7.1 but the same applies for v6.6. My account is in the sona

Unable to validate pom.xml of a mule application in SonarQube

I am using SonarQube to validate artifactId, modelVersion etc in pom.xml file for a mule application.To validate these nodes, I have build some rules in SonarQu

How to solve Sonar error: Unable to load component class org.sonar.scanner.scan.ProjectLock

I have some issues while running Sonar on my netbeans' project. It's not working and i have the following error : C:\Users\remy.fischer\Desktop\NetBeansProject

sonarQube Findbug error and ##[error]java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not execute Findbugs

I am really struggling from months. We are trying to scan SCALA code with SonarQube in Azure Devops which is in Databricks. We were getting around 30 error. But

New code is not showing in Sonarqube Coverage on new code

I am trying to cover few lines of the code with junit test case. Though the test case is covering the lines which I found after debugging the test case, but in

Sonar with multi-module gradle project

I have java and kotlin based multi module gradle project. I am trying to setup sonar analysis for the same. I configured sonar at root project and ran analysis