Category "sorting"

Google Script: Sort Array of Email Addresses to Remove Duplicates

I pull data from a Google Event Calendar. The events include multiple point of contact e-mails (Primary, Secondary, etc.) I am currently able to collect ALL of

sort two nested lists according to value of one list in python

I want to sort two nested lists according to value of one list. predictions = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1, 0], [1, 2, 3, 0], [-1, -1, -1, -1]]) test_intera

Using qsort to sort a multidimensional array of variable-length strings in C

I have a piece of software that generates a rather large text file full of information about files in a directory. There are often several thousand files. Each

Change order value [duplicate]

I have a DB like this: a <-c(4, 2, 10, 2, 10, 6, 2) b <-c(4, 6, 70, 8, 18, 4, 3) rbind(a,b) I can create something like this: x <- (

Javascript - sort an array of multiple objects of objects

I tried with no success to sort an array of multiple objects of objects. Here my database : var jsonDatas = [ { "type": "Voiture", "item

zsh : listing and suggestions

The first command applied is "l" which corresponds to the alias: alias l='grc -es --colour=auto ls --color -Gh -C -lrt' Once I type "l", I want, when I touch t

zsh : listing and suggestions

The first command applied is "l" which corresponds to the alias: alias l='grc -es --colour=auto ls --color -Gh -C -lrt' Once I type "l", I want, when I touch t

Sorting arrays in JavaScript [closed]

I received a big array of object from the backend and I used filtering to leave only these values const markets = ['IT', 'DE', 'UK', 'FR', 'NL

mysql order by collation

I want to sort the results of MySQL based on the best match by using collate query => zeķ want to show Vīriešu zeķes Sieviešu

How to Sort a Model Based on a Property in IList<T> within that Model

This is a bit more complex than other questions. I have a Model that encapsulates an IList. Within each IList item there are multiple Lists. This makes it VERY

group items accourding to invoice ID

I need to prepare invoice lists and in the each invoice there are more items added by user while shopping here my model public partial class tblNormalSatisBekle

Error 1004 keeps popping out when trying to execute the sort VBA command

Part 1: Please help to advise where did it went wrong. Would like to sort for column E via descending order with header Sub SortRows() Dim destSht As Worksheet

QGIS how to permanently change the order of records? (Sort records/features permanently and output a new shapefile)

Hello I was wondering if somebody knows a way to sort a table from a layer and then, save the new ordered or export this to a new layer with its table ordered b

How to not remove but only print multiply rows from CSV file using a awk?

i have the following code awk -F, '{key=$1 FS $2 FS $3} NR==FNR{a[key]; next} !(key in a)' dubl.txt original.txt which checking for duplicates in multiply colu

Find sorting algorithm for an elevators floor travel schedule, starting from the current floor with preselected floors to reach and a travel direction

I'm making an elevator in react, But I need to make a function that sorts an array to the nearest to the number X and also there is a condition if the elevator

How to sort array of objects by dates and make new arrays which will contain all objects with same date [closed]

I have a very specific problem in Javascript. I have array of objects, and each object contains some date. const array = [ {name: 'first', dat

How to sort array in constant time in java and python?

I was trying to learn algos and data structures, and i was wondering about best approach to sort arrays in constant time. I am newbie but my only intention is t

How to sort entity model by column name of display model in C# .NET Core using LINQ?

I have a page that displays all users in the table. The front end uses a class that is different from the database model. public class UserDetailsViewDto {

Sort object keys/entries in specific order

I have an object like this: const data = { val5: 1231, val3: 1232, val1: 1233, val2: 1234, val4: 1235, }; And its has to be sorted by it keys but in

JavaScript sorting of an RGB array

This is the task: Colors have to be ordered in such way: Higher Red value first; if the same then: Higher Green value first; if the same then: Higher Blue val