Please how i can implement Flutter Speech to text listening continuously without typing in a button to start Please give some suggestion about this. Thanks in a
I'm trying to find a solution for Speech to text of an mp3 file, but I only want to pass in the URL. I don't want to download the file & upload to S3 for AW
My Android app (Xamarin) uses speech recognition. This has worked fine on smartphones with Android 8, 11 and 12. Since a few weeks the speech recognition of my
This example is not working anymore: And the demonstra
I'm attempting to do some voice recognition stuff on mobile. Here's some code.. var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); recognition.onresult = functi
I am trying to use Google Speech to Text API for Kannada language and I am setting EXTRA_LANGUAGE to "kn" for the same but it is not working. Below is the code
I would like to use offline speech to text recognition, mostly for German language. Especially, I want to use Mozilla DeepSpeech (a TensorFlow implementation o
I am trying to make a Python app that can record audio and translate it into english text using PyAudio, SpeechRecognition and PocketSphinx. I'm running on a Ma