Category "speech-to-text"

Flutter Speech to text listening continuously

Please how i can implement Flutter Speech to text listening continuously without typing in a button to start Please give some suggestion about this. Thanks in a

Speech to text using url of mp3 file

I'm trying to find a solution for Speech to text of an mp3 file, but I only want to pass in the URL. I don't want to download the file & upload to S3 for AW

Why has SpeechRecognizer suddenly stopped working?

My Android app (Xamarin) uses speech recognition. This has worked fine on smartphones with Android 8, 11 and 12. Since a few weeks the speech recognition of my

Microsoft Azure Speech Translation not working [JavaScript SDK]

This example is not working anymore: And the demonstra

Android webkitSpeechRecognition .isFinal variable not showing correct value

I'm attempting to do some voice recognition stuff on mobile. Here's some code.. var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); recognition.onresult = functi

Google speech to text: Extra language set to "kn" but not working

I am trying to use Google Speech to Text API for Kannada language and I am setting EXTRA_LANGUAGE to "kn" for the same but it is not working. Below is the code

Get alternative suggestions during speech recognition

I would like to use offline speech to text recognition, mostly for German language. Especially, I want to use Mozilla DeepSpeech (a TensorFlow implementation o

Python pocketsphinx RequestError: missing PocketSphinx module: ensure that PocketSphinx is set up correctly

I am trying to make a Python app that can record audio and translate it into english text using PyAudio, SpeechRecognition and PocketSphinx. I'm running on a Ma