Category "youtube"

How to accept Youtube Cookies Consent with Powershell

Since few days I'm not able to consume any information from Youtube with my Powershell Script, at first the cookies must be accepted in order to see the Videos.

Randomizing Sentences In Python

I not long ago finished my project which comments on a video based on a keyword on YouTube, it will pick a random comment using the random library. The program

How to autoplay YouTube video with sound enabled using YouTube IFrame Api

The title says it all: How to autoplay YouTube video with sound enabled using YouTube IFrame Api How can I do this with the YouTube IFrame Api?

Angular Youtube Player - Fit to 100% height

I use the Youtube Angular pakacge in my Angular 11 project. I would like to fill the player to 100% of the divs height, which is a TailWind h-full div: <div

How to speed up youtube's videos more than 16x with javascript?

I use document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream html5-main-video")[0].playbackRate = x; and x from 0 to 16. There is an error if it bigger than 16 VM308:1 U

how to download youtube video in the highest quality available

This code works perfectly, but I don't want the lowest quality. I want the highest one. When I tried changing the video = youtube. streams.first() to video = yo

Flutter WebView plugin unable to play some YouTube videos

The webview_flutter plugin is unable to play some YouTube embed videos that do work if played from within a web app. The videos display "Video unavailable". Pla

How can I autoplay a video (as Youtube does!)?

I know the Chrome policy about autoplaying videos: But Youtube auto plays a video when you enter a page, without int

Autoplay embedded a YouTube Video

I'm trying to embed a Youtube video to my site that plays automatically once the page is loaded. I'm currently using: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="h

YT Data API throws Error 403 for just one video

I was using the YouTube Data API v3 to put the current view count in my video title just like in this video ( ) and

Extract YouTube Channel Community Feed Data

I am trying to collect the community feed data from a channel for analytics. I couldn't find a way using the YouTube Data API v3. Is there a way to extract such

Python using Google YouTube Data API (v3) gives an Oauth2 KeyError: 'client_secret'

I am trying to do a personal project related to gathering data from YouTube, and I am having a heck of a time using the API methods that require one to authenti

NameError: name 'player' is not defined - but it was defined, just in another function

The below code gives an error, "NameError: name 'player' is not defined". I dont understand why. When I have the music just playing, without needing to be trigg

Embedded YouTube iframes No Longer Autoplay

We have a number of video references in our web app which lazy load YouTube videos as embedded iframes. We want to have the videos autoplay so a single user cl

Python library to dl youtube videos with highest resolution in colab

I want to be download videos in 1080p/720p etc fast in google colab. so I found the pytube but apparently it doesn't support 1080p vids. from pytube import YouT

Make YouTube video autoplay using React

I am trying to make my video autoplay using react. adding autoplay=1 as a parameter doesn't work. Any suggestions?` Here is my code. <div className="vide

Youtube Iframe Embed won't autoplay on mobile

I need to make a Youtube embed autoplay on a page. Usually setting autoplay=1 would work if it was paired with mute=1 in the query string params. This actually

Cant donwload Video with pytube(HTTP Error 403:Forbidden)

I am trying to download a YouTube video with the module pytube, but when i use the method to download a video, it tells me: urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error

Publishing youtube video from draft in Youtube Data api v3

When manually uploading video however not configuring it, it will become draft. I know Photos are not recommended but for here I show it for illustration. A

How to scrape the thumbnail of a youtube video from id?

I am very new to python, I'm wondering how I would just get the maxres thumbnail to print, instead of literally everything about the video. Sorry if the answer