Category "spotify"

Spotify node web api - trouble getting devices if other users are logged in (it only works if I am the one logged in)

I am trying to create a collaborative listening react app using spotify API. So far the app is functioning well as long as I am the logged in user. For other us

Retrieving Page from Spotify URL in Node.js Now Results in 406 Not Acceptable Error

Using the following code in an async function and with the got library: var { body: html, url } = await got('

Getting data out of dictionary of lists from Spotify API request

Heyo, I need help getting the correct info out of a call to the Spotify API using Spotipy. I am relatively new to Python, so maybe I am missing something really

Spotify Authentication auth_service_unavailable

I am trying to login to spotify. Although when the app is installed it always throws an AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE error. If the app is uninstalled the